just received a fax at my work and luckily i caught it before someone gave it to my supervisor. It is a fax asking for Verification of Employment. it asks my boss to give my home address, home phone number and the employer address. Is this legal? I don't even know who this is, what debt of mine it is .. etc. This guy called me at work yesterday and I told him I only respond to us mail and hung up on him. What can i do to get this guy to stop????? i need help ASAP!!!!
Did he say he was a CA? Did he recite the "mini-miranda" to you? Since their "first contact" with you was yesterday, they have 5 days to send you a collection letter with the "mini-miranda" If you do not receive this , they have already violated the FDCPA! You want to start building a "paper trail" of evidence against them so you should document the date/ time he called. The guy's name, and what was said by you and him. You might use this info later. If they persist in calling you, you will have to send them the "limited cease and desist" letter which states that you wish to be contacted by us mail only. They need to have this in writing before they will stop calling!
It is one thing to verify with an employer that you work there. I don't think it is legal for anyone to give out your personal information without your permission. This includes your phone number! PS I'm not a lawyer, so you might want to ask one if it is legal for an employer to give out this info to anyone other than authorized agencies (like the police!)
Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL I didn't get his name yesterday, didn't stay on the phone long enough. Should I return the fax with a warning? or just ignore it?? i don't want my boss to see it. He also addressed it to HR!!!!
Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL Just document date / time of call, what was said by you and him. Write it down so that it is "memorialized" I would just lose the fax, and not mention it to anyone
Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL Thanks, this really freaked me out. I've never had one be so aggressive. So I am keeping everything for my records, have recorded the call and this fax. I will be sending a validation letter tomorrow, since i don't even know what debt this is for. Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL Welcome to their world! I would "lose" the fax - it was not meant for you. You wouldn't want that showing up in the future in your posession! Good move! Be sure to send it certified mai, retun receipt! Check all of your CR's to see if they have inserted a TL!. If not and you sent the VL, then they do inset a TL without validating to you, you will have them on FDCPA violations
Re: Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL Did the fax state that it was from a debt collector or regarding a debt collection or or anything that would imply it was regarding a debt? If no, then it is legal for them to do this in order to gain employment and location info... if yes, it is in violation of FDCPA Section 804 (5).
Re: Re: ARS National Services Inc. HEL No there was no mention of debt collection on the fax. So that's legal??? will my HR dept give out that info? Do I have to give it to them?