Asking OC to delete Inq's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by scout, Jul 10, 2002.

  1. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    Has anybody had any luck with asking a creditor to delete a hard Inquiry? Can they even do this if they wanted to?

    Here's my situation (and why I'm asking). I have a hard inquiry on my TU report from PA's student loan adminstrator. They made the inquiry over a year ago when I moved and was a month late paying. They must have been trying to get my address or something... Anyway, I was never late paying them before or since.

    So, I figure I could try a "goodwill" approach to getting the inquiry off since I'd rather not bother disputing inquiries with TU.

    Any thoughts, ideas, etc? Thanks!
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yea, they can do it.

    The goodwill approach is good but instead of just saying "I am a good customer...please delete"... I would say "I am a loyal customer (have been since XX) and during my recent move you pulled a hard inquiry on my xyz report which is damaging my credit rating. There is no permissible purpose for this hard inquiry since I did not apply for credit. I have tried to dispute this entry with xyz CRA, and they informed me that I must contact you and have you remove it or have it coded as a soft Account Review inquiry which is permissable." They should delete it or code it soft.

    If not, get truly is not permissable for a hard inquiry in this situation, so you are in the right. They should not damage your credit for an address check.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You could also dispute this as an account review. Has worked for me with both EX and TU on various accounts that are open accounts.

  4. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I'll try the softer approach first, and see what happens.

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