Asset Acceptance

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ficofiasco, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. ficofiasco

    ficofiasco Well-Known Member

    AA called my ex's cell phone!! How they got this number, I have NO clue. They want payment on a debt that was paid over 4 years ago through CCCS. I told them the account has been paid long ago and I had proof. I have a statement from CCCS showing this account as paid. Will this be good enough for them? Do I have to PROVE to them that I don't owe this debt to get them off my back? What type of letter do I send to them when I prove it's been paid?

    Thanks for any help!
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You just need to request validation from them. Moreover, dispute any account tradeline they have placed upon your credit reports. Dispute the aforesaid tradelines, if any, on the basis of inaccurate account "types", reporting a "past due" balance, and lack of dates of status/initial delinquency.

    It is not the job of the consumer to prove a negative, it is the debt collector/purchaser's duty to prove that they affirmatively owe the alleged underlying debt.
  3. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Stay off the phone. If you make a mistake and pick up the phone when a CA calls, just tell them you only do things through the US Mails, have them write to you, and then DV them.

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