Associates/CITI - That's IT!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by damianlr, May 14, 2002.

  1. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Ohh my!! I sent the letter via PFB to this as****** on the May 5th. None of the CRA had that account in dispute. Today I got a notification from EQ that my Associates/CITI account had been modified. I run screaming to pull up my credit report and ....

    They updated it to Paid/Account closed/Zero balance (as it already was stating but not in words) and changed the lates from:

    Seven Year Payment History
    30 days late: 3
    2 unknown dates

    60 days late: 1
    1 unknown date

    90+ days late: 3


    Seven Year Payment History
    30 days late: 5

    4 unknown dates

    60 days late: 2
    2 unknown dates

    90+ days late: 5
    3 unknown dates

    !!!!!!!!!! I know I was late and I know how many time (I have statements) but I sent the letter to have F****** lates removed not be duplicated!!

    Guys, I've had enough of them already, does anyone know what should I do now? I'm clueless and this being the last derog in my reports, it is driving my NUTS!

    BTW, nothing changed on my EX report, YET! and I'm checking TU so I'll let you know ..

  2. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Please, don't think I'm being pushy.

    I just called Associates again and asked for accounting information for my account ( I know I should send the letter to them, but don't know where to ) and was told - AGAIN - that they don't have any way of telling me that and the only think they could do was to send me statements from the date the account was opened - 05/98 for $2 each = $84. It would take up until June 6th for it to be researched and be mailed out to me. I was offered the amount to be charged to the credit card!! :(

    Anyway, in the other thread MARTIG4 seemed to explain clearly to me what I should do but later on the topic went to some kind of different one and it got lost without the final thought.

    I thank you ALL for all the help and would like to ask you to answer some of the questions that I have so I could STOP bothering YOU :)


    Martig4 - you said:

    Have you asked them to send you a detailed accounting of the payments?

    The idea is to see if they can send you an accounting or if the history of the payments has been purged and therefore no record exists.

    I have used this technique several times on old accounts. You can try sending the letter that Citi can't verify your payment history to each of the CRA's and see if you can get a removal. My thought has always been, if the creditor can't provide you the information, they certainly can't provide it to the bureau.

    If this is over a year or two old that is likely the case.

    If your histories reported are truly different, sue Citi once you obtain the method of verification from each of the bureaus.

    Be prepared to show damages (i.e. can't get credit) etc.



    Seems like they have the information but for a charge (or don't they?). If they do have them (as they say), I ain't going to spend $84 just for being remembered that I was actually late, because I already know that ! :(

    Seems like the only way to win this is to either:

    - sending the letter that Citi can't verify your payment history to each of the CRA's and see if I can get a removal (How would the letter look like?)

    - My histories reported are truly different. I could sue Citi once I obtain the method of verification from each of the bureaus (How do I sue them or do I first threathen them?)

    Which one I should do first and do you think those are the only ways to win this thing?

  3. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    WHOA wait a minute was this a phone call or letter? They wanted to CHARGE you for getting verification that you owed?? That is a HUGE violation, please please say you have this in writing.
  4. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Well, this is credit card from Associates (just making sure you are aware of that - based on your reply) and that was over the phone. I didn't send the letter to them because I don't know where to and they said there is no such a departament that would send me this info via mail.
  5. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Ask for everything in Writing, demand it, show proof you sent it, Hell send it notarized. ANYTHING to show them you mean what you say. Never talk on phone.
  6. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    So, what do you think I should do at this point? Request the same information as I did on the phone but through mail? And then what?

    In my earlier post, should this way be more successful then sending letter asking for verification of procedures and then sue?
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Kiyi...this is an original creditor. Unfortunately, they CAN charge for copies of statements and are not required to validate per se...banks do it all the time. However, if you sue them, you can get it in discovery for free :) Just be right that they are really reporting incorrectly so you don't get nailed with their attorney fees for filing a frivilous lawsuit.

  8. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    So, let me ask the question again :)

    Hold on, I started 2 different threads and lost the I think most important fact in this case.

    I've already received a letter from V. Oyola from Support Maintance Unit Credit Dept from Associates/Citi (after sending goodwill adjustment letter) saying this:

    Dear Damian,

    We have received your request to change manner in which the above mentioned account is being submitted to the credit report agancies.

    Upon review of your account, we have determined that the current and past due account history is being reported accurately.

    We hope the information has assisted you in your inquiry. Should you have any further questions, please do not hestitate to contact us at the address below.

    V. Oyola

    Well, no ADDRESS given. The letter was sent to Irving, TX came as a letter with letterhead as: CARDMEMEBER SERVICES, Wilmington, DE.

    Also, they addmited that they report them accurately, but they really dont!!
    I have this in writing.

    Whyspers, it depends what you mean by "really reportin incorrectly" -

    Insuficient on some reports (meaning some reports report it as 3 times 30 days, some 1 time 30 days and so on), and multiple unknown dates on EQ.
    Because some of them like for example 30 days or 90 days late report on on the same months of the year.

    Is that good enough?
  9. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Anyone? :)
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This is only true for undisputed accounts.59
  11. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    So, lbrown59, should I then send them a letter requesting late payment history? At the same time send the letter to CRA's saying that Citibank couldn't verify my payment history and the item should be corrected or be removed?

    Should I maybe send them letter "procedure request"?

    What should be my move at that point?
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I would think so.
    Other Ideas anyone?
  13. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Well, I still don't know what my step should be to win this case. I can almost smell it that I'm close to resolving this one, I just don't know in which order I should hit it.


    Thank you
  14. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    I put together something like this:
    (english is my 2nd language, so sometimes I really screw up)

    Dear Sir/Madame:

    Due to the fact that you ignored my request for description of the procedures used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the disputed information, including the business name, address, and telephone number of any furnished of information contacted in connection with this reinvestigation, I have contacted Associates National Bank/Citi on my own. As I stated, the information I disputed are in fact inaccurate and incomplete as the Associates National Bank/Citi was unable to verify the payment history on the mentioned below account which proves this account is not supposed to be reported as late.

    Due to that fact it is a very serious error in reporting. Please supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes.

    I am disappointed that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures to assure complete accuracy in the information you publish, and insist you comply with the law by correcting the requested information immidietely.

    For your benefit, and as a gesture of my goodwill, I will restate the relevant dispute:

    Associates National Bank/Citi, Account # XXXXXXXXXXX
    As already stated, the listed item is inaccurate and incomplete.

    Just to let everybody know, this is supposed to be a letter stating that Citi was unable to verify my payment history so I ask for the removal or correction.

    Will that work, or it does S**k to much :)
  15. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

  16. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Well, it has been couple of months now and still - NO RESULTS.

    I hired The Law Office of Jack L. Schrold in Fort Lauderdale, FL to handle my "credit repair", but like I said nothing has been changed. At least I got my money back.

    I can tell this: They have sent dispute letters 3 times to all 3 CRA, but none of them replied and all of the info on my reports remained the same.

    I feel like crying as I do not really know what to do now. I've tried so hard over the past year but can not get this account to be removed.

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I got them but don't yet know it.

    Please, I beg you, help ...

    Thank you very much.


    If you need some more details to be able to help, please ask.

    Once again, I really appreciate any comments and help.

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