Associates credit limit, onlin

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Rocky, Jan 29, 2001.

  1. Rocky

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    I tried the instant approval at the web sit for the platinum card, they responded,they would let me know in two weeks. I did get a non platinum card in 2 weeks with a limit of $3000. Do you think if I call up the retention dept and request a higher limit, would that work? Anyone have experiences with Associates bank on this or limit increases? I have Juniper for high limit. Thanks
  2. JP

    JP Guest

    RE: Associates credit limit, o

    I would suggest using the card and making timely payments over the next 6 months. After that request a higher limit.

  3. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    RE: Associates credit limit, o

    Worth a shot. Never seen that they advertise instant approval at their website.
  4. Mike s

    Mike s Guest

    RE: Associates credit limit, o

    where is there website???

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