Associates of Delaware Secured

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cadillac408, Nov 7, 2000.

  1. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Just curious....

    I was reading a post on gas cards by Newcomer2 and found out that the Associates of Delaware basically doesn't report any of their gas cards. I have a secured visa card through them and was wondering if anyone else had one and if so, how does it report on their credit?

    I'm considering dumping them....they don't have on-line pay (it's in the test stages...only a select few can use it) and I figure that the money could be best used towards another better card??? Maybe build up my secured Optima card??

    Any comments/suggestions?

  2. Samantha

    Samantha Guest

    RE: Associates of Delaware Sec

    Associates is now owned by Citibank. Because of that your card will eventually become a citibank card. this will also significantly improve their online payment site.
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Associates of Delaware Sec

    i opened a JC penney Visa secured $300 CD with Assoctiates in 4/00. I closed it before I got the card. But it still made my credit report. So they reported that card.

    MP$40 wrote:
    Just curious....

    I was reading a post on gas cards by Newcomer2 and found out that the Associates of Delaware basically doesn't report any of their gas cards. I have a secured visa card through them and was wondering if anyone else had one and if so, how does it report on their credit?

    I'm considering dumping them....they don't have on-line pay (it's in the test stages...only a select few can use it) and I figure that the money could be best used towards another better card??? Maybe build up my secured Optima card??

    Any comments/suggestions?

  4. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    RE: Associates of Delaware Sec

    I had a Associates secured mastercard in the past. They do report the account as secured. However, I do agree with Samantha, you should probably keep the card for awhile since they have been bought by Citibank. Your card should eventually become a Citibank card & you may have a good chance to unsecure your card. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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