Well, I noticed that they stopped reporting on my reports this past month and that it wasn't the CRA's goof but apparently they only report for a short period of time and once they stop they don't start again UNLESS there is a problem with your account, ex.late pay, so they just punish for bad behavior and don't reward...sucks cause I had perfect payment for almost 2 years! Just got off the phone with them... Could be why I'm back in the 500 club....that and a new account.....dang it!
Soup, AT&T Long Distance didn't report your payment to the credit bureaus unless you don't pay your bills. By the way, AT&T Universal Card report payment history to all bureaus. AT&T made soft inquiries on your credit report for account review. Ron.
Thanks - I was wondering why my cell phone account was there one day and the poof! gone the next! I thought Equifax was messing with me. =-) Ozzy.
I had an AT&T Cellular account report for one month, stay on my report for about 3 years, then poof, it was gone.
soup, AT&T pulled soft inquiries from TransUnion for account review when he had AT&T Long Distance. Ron
Ozzy, I thought the bureaus were messing with me too! That's why I called....I guess when At&T wireless disappears it's a sign of improvement....to bad FICO doesn't think so