How hard is this card to get? Do they pull TU? Credimania shows they do in NY, but there was only one entry. George...don't you have this card? What is your experience with them? L
I would like to know more about this card, too. Just received a preapproval for a 0% interest rate until April 03. Hubby already has Citibank Platinum, so I don't think approval will be difficult. Good card? Bad card? Can you pay online? Dani
Dani, Call Citi retention and use that AT&T BT offer for one of your previously opened Citibank cards (the card of the person to whom the offer is addressed). They'll accept it and apply it to your old card, saving you an inquiry, and a ding in overall account age. This goes for any Citi card or Citi affinity card wrt transferring offers from one card to another.
My wife and I both have them. I got one with about a 641 exp score. DW has astronomical scores and got 15k plus 0%BT for 9 months. They checked Exp for both of us, but we're in CA.
Marci, If I have hubby call retention (its his Citibank card) will they will add the new CL (AT&T, if we get it) to his old card? Am I still eligible for the 0% interest rate? He has a 0% rate until July, but I'm carrying significant debt on my Juniper (my promotional interest rate dies in June). And I want to transfer the balance to another card - I hate paying interest. Dani
Dani, 1. Wrt credit lines, I was told that Citi would NOT combine credit lines from Universal and Citi (ie. Plat Select) cards for another 5 years due to database issues. But my mom, who has both, told me yersterday a Universal rep told her that she *could* combine the lines. I think the Universal rep is wrong, unless Citi has changed things since I asked in January. Having said that - it may be worth a letter via PFB to the Office of the President or a call to Retention to ask whether it is possible to combine the lines. It may be that they can make it happen, regardless of the "database" incompatibility. All it would take is a credit line increase on the Citi card comparable to your Universal card, and then closing the Universal account. 2. Wrt to a Balance transfer, the transferred offer has to be applied to the Citi card of the person invited for the Universal offer (i.e. the Universal offer to your husband would go on your husband's Citi card, not yours). I KNOW they will do this for a fact; I did it for my mom a month ago - right after I shredded my own Universal offer. :-( Again, a call to retention might allow them to apply his Universal offer to your existing card, if both of you get on the phone together. It's worth a try.
They were able to open a Universal acct for my fiance by taking part of his Citi plat. select credit limit. But I don't know about combining
"Wrt credit lines, I was told that Citi would NOT combine credit lines from Universal and Citi (ie. Plat Select) cards for another 5 years due to database issues. But my mom, who has both, told me yersterday a Universal rep told her that she *could* combine the lines. I think the Universal rep is wrong, unless Citi has changed things since I asked in January." ...Credit lines can now be moved, and/or consolidated between Citibank and AT&T Universal cards...
"Wrt credit lines, I was told that Citi would NOT combine credit lines from Universal and Citi (ie. Plat Select) cards for another 5 years due to database issues. But my mom, who has both, told me yersterday a Universal rep told her that she *could* combine the lines. I think the Universal rep is wrong, unless Citi has changed things since I asked in January." ""...Credit lines can now be moved, and/or consolidated between Citibank and AT&T Universal cards..."" I wanted to clarify an old response. Credit lines can be moved between Citi and AT&T accounts on a permanent basis, but consolidating them into one line of credit is still not available...