AT & T Universal Platinum Rejection

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cherie, Jan 8, 2002.

  1. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Orginal message left on another board: I've copied and pasted to gain more insight. Thanks

    An offer from an AT & T Universal Platinum MasterCard came in December - "Mail this
    special invitation in by Jan 15, 2002 and get 0% until September 1, 2002 and no balance
    transfer fee with this offer" Bonus of an ATT $100 PHONE CARD,

    The offer was mailed back on December 22 - Today received a rejection! How dare they!
    We are good debtors.. just ask MBNA how much money THEY have made off of us
    since 1996! I would fear to see that it would be enough for a Disney Vacation, a Back
    Yard Pool, maybe even pay all or most of the orthodonics that my kids are needing now.

    Anyway, this is the reason given:

    "Your total credit obligations (which include outstanding credit lines)
    when compared to your stated income are too high to meet our approval guidlines." - so
    can I find what ARE your guidlines?

    Under DH name - which is MOST of the credit. We are in debted about 19,350 and have
    credit of about 62K. About 30% in debt. If I close accounts the debt to credit ratio's will
    go up. I thought this would be worse?

    Our credit report is prestine (as someone said) his FICO about 727 and mine about 710
    on last check.

    Granted I agree if we were to charge up ALL of our available credit at the same income
    we could not make the obligations BUT, we are not going to do so.. but how would they
    know that, right? I have read on this board how having to much available credit could hurt
    when applying for a auto or home mortgage but a credit card? Of course the letter says if
    my credit report is not correct they would be willing to reconsider if I send an updated
    copy of a credit report WITHIN 30 days. So even if I tried today to close an account or
    two, I doubt the credit report would be updated and that I could get it back to AT & T
    within that 30 days.

    This messes up a plan that I was going to put in action.

    Note.. start working on new plan, any help or comments out there?

  2. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I was turned down by them a while back because my debt to limit ratio was too low! I couldn't beleive it. Usually if it's too high you get turned down.
  3. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    correction that was having MBNA ( as First Union) since 1986
  4. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Maybe they are just picky. and looking for that "certain" customer.
  5. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Citibank has very strict guidelines in regards to income and your overall potential available credit.
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: AT & T Universal Platinum Rejec


    I applied for Universal Card on the websites two years ago. I called their customer service for checking the status of the application. They trnasfer me to new accounts department. They asked me how much I owe on my Citibank account and they didn't tell me whether I was approved or not. I waited a week and I called back. They told me I was approved for $4000. I was disaapointed because of low credit limit.

  7. skittens

    skittens Active Member

    Ignore the 30 days - AT&T Universal keeps applications on file for 90 days, so you do have some time to get a revised credit report to them.
    I would call them up and ask how excessive they think your credit is. The number I have for them is 1-800-922-4761. I'd be careful though in closing accounts, because like you said that will make your utilization ratio go up.
  8. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    May be they're looking for the people already have Citibank cards. They approved me because I may have Citibank accounts with them. My brother got a couple of pre-select offer from them and he also has accounts with Citibank.

  9. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Have a Cit-Bank card since last June/July.. I'll will give them a call.
  10. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Received my card today was turned down for the platium but they gave me the universal. Never had citi before. Goodby Providian.
  11. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    What is your credit limit .. did you get the 0% until Sept 02?
  12. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    2,500 0 until dec 02
  13. toromio

    toromio Well-Known Member

    If you want an increase on your limit, charge up, pay off for 3 cycles, then call them. My husband did this and they increased his limit to $6000, with low APR, no "funny" fees, etc. Also worked with Cap 1 Gold.
  14. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I don't think it matters if you already have a citi card. I did and was turned down. fiance has a citi and was approved.
  15. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: AT & T Universal Platinum Rejec

    I guess that AT&T universal Platinium Card requirement is higher than Citibank Platinium Cards. They didn't give high credit line and no rewards.


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