AT&T Universal Platinum

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Eric2OO2, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Today I received an offer to apply for the AT&T Universal Platinum card from CitiBank SD. It didn't mention anything about pre approval so it was just an inviation to apply! This is the 2nd invitation from Citibank this week. I went ahead and applied , but now im doubting I'll get the card. My credit history is only around 10 1/2 months old , with a fico score of 701 on the 3rd. If they deny me for this one, which they probably will, will they offer you another card if possible ? I should have asked this question BEFORE I called that 800#...... Live and learn eh ?
  2. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    You may be in luck. Do you have any lates?

    They checked my TU and I had only a 635 credit score with them but no Deroggs. I GOT APPROVED for 9.74% with 0% balance trasfer for a year. Good luck!!!
  3. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    BTW The only thing I had on my CR was a cancelled American Express (By the Credit Granter) from 1999 but no lates and a department store card that I was paying ontime for 1 year. You have a good chance.
  4. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Diane, I'm kinda new here so forgive me if I'm asking something that's been discussed before but... I know where to get my EX and EQ score, but I heard that eLoan's TU pull isn't a real FICO. Where did you get yours?
  5. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    hmm maybe I'll get it with a low balance but I doubt it . Do you know who they regularly pull ? I tried and I can't get that site to work for me for some reason. I have NO lates , my capitol one account is about 10 1/2 months old, and I just got a target card. Not sure if the target card will show on my report yet, it didnt my experian as of last night. My limit's are low, cap one $300, and the target is only $200. If they dont approve me does anyone know if they'll offer you another card ? Thanks!
  6. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    Transunion as of a couple of months ago at least, had their own score which they give to you for just ordering thier credit report. My e-loan was lower than mu TU score.
  7. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks - hmmm I cannot get my TU online, it says they cannot verify my idenitity..... When I applied for the card yesterday it said 2-4 weeks and they'll let you know something. I'll update this thread when I find out which is which.
  8. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks Diane, that helps alot.
  9. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    They check Equifax. I know that you can't have any chargeoff's on your report.
  10. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Citibank who issues the ATT card checks equifax ?! I hope so, thats my best report that I Know of !
  11. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    I am from the Northeast US and they checked TU for me.
  12. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    I am blocked from TU as well. I think they do not have some CR's avaiable online at all because there computer system is so crappy.
  13. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    How often do you all check your scores online ? I last checked mine thru equifax ( on the 3rd and am wondering when I should pull it again. My experian report I received last night online. Capitol one is reporting to them as well as Equifax so I assume their reporting to Transunion as well. However Experian listed 10 INQUIRES!!!! Luckily half of those will fall off all during next year. I had'nt reliazed I had applied for that much credit! 3 of those are capitol one! What's up with that ? I got my capitol one visa 10/01 they pulled an inquiry 9/7/01, again on 9/7/01, and one on 10/11/01. Two in the same day !? They are listed as Capitol One FSB, Capitol one, and Capitol One Bank. Than it lists 4 inquires that says they are "only viewable by me." I suppose this means their soft inquires ? They are from, Experian scorecard, orchard bank, and providian finincial. Strange... Experian also lists my employment information but equifax doesnt. Not sure about Transunion as I cant pull my report from them online. As of the 3rd my equifax report had 7 inquires and listed my capitol one account as well, and the score was 701. I was approved for the target guest card last week with a $200 limit. Im not sure which reports they pulled yet or who they'll report too. I really hope I get this ATT card but if not does anyone know if they will offer you another card if possible ? sorry so long, thanks for the help!

    -Eric (who's not applying for ANYTHING else!)
  14. Diane143

    Diane143 Well-Known Member

    I would to get the Cap1 inquires removed but if you do not plan to get any more credit for a long while it may not be worth you time. Watching scores too much is like watching the S&P Index and my 401K. It goes up and down and you can get a knot in your stomach. Check when you run up or pay a balance or when you apply and receive new credit but unless you have a monitoring plan don't give them extra money of you don't have too. Equifax is the only "real" FICO that is worth watching more closely.
  15. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Well I'd like to get more credit but I dont want my score to start dropping because on inquires you know ? Like I am pretty sure I could get a local gasoline card , but is it worth yet another inquiry ? Also around xmas time I'd like to apply for a clothing store card but im not sure about that. I think it'd be better to wait awhile. I'll really be SHOCKED if I get the ATT Card, I really dont expect that I will, heck thats platnium LOL. How would I go about getting the inquires removed, I think I'll run a search for that as well. Its pretty excessive for them to have 3 hard inquires on that report.
  16. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    You may get the card I got it with about 4 inquiry scores around 682, alot of new account. I got 5,400 and last month I got a line increase of a 1,000 and I did not ask. They also gave me a 100 min free Credit card fo 90 days. So don't worry be happy.
  17. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    That's cool! Congrats on getting their card :eek:) Do you mind telling me how old your credit history was than ?
  18. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I start getting cards in the mid 80,but I close alot of my old accts not know it would effect my scores,but I do have some cards around 93 yr.
  19. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if they had instant approval or if every application processed by phone gets the "We will let you know in 2-4 weeks." I just now thought of that, maybe that was my denial ? Anyhow I got ANOTHER offer from citibank today. That makes three this week. It was for the iluminia card again, It went to the shredder. Im not sure where their getting my name from, no promotional inquires from them on my EQ or Experian report. Hopefully I'll get this ATT card and the "we'll let you know in 2-4 weeks blah blah;" was not a denial. I just found out my eloan score is 673 and thats based on the info in your TU report I believe. From what I've read from old and new posts Citibank usually pulls Equifax or Tranunion. I hate waiting- LOL....
  20. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Well let us know

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