Will do , defintely. Im going to call the 1-301-733-5501 number monday and see if they can tell me wether I've been approved or denied.
DENIED :O( But at least now I can get a free copy of my transunion report I called them and they said they using a credit scoring system blah blah and I wasn't approved. You have to have at least 2 accounts in good standing for a year and that they pulled transunion. Damn it ! Oh well, I should have known better......
Sorry, Eric. It would help if credit issuers would let us know what their approval/decline standards entailed. At least, it would equal alot less inquiries. But, hey you're are getting there let Cap One reach the one year mark and the Target card age for about six months. Dani
Thanks - it's okay. Like you said it would have been much better if that was disclosed before I applied, than I never would have. LOL - Now I'll pull my transunion report once I Receive the denial letter. I dont know how many inquires I have on that report as I've never seen it. Anyhow im not going to apply for anything else, man I say that a lot. But I have to stick by it. Too many inquires as it is. >) Im still waiting for Cap One to update to see how that'll affect my score , and next month im due for a limit increase. With their receing tightening im not sure how well that's going to go over...But I'll report that as the time comes. Thanks for all the info guys/gals!
I do not know if they are telling you the whole truth Eric. I had only one account over one year old in good standing and the other was an American Express that had no deroggs but was closed by THEM and I was only an AU. Sorry you did not get the card. Try to get another card though, perhaps a classic card. The APR is higher but you may have a better chance. Diane
Should I really try with the inquires I already have ? 8 on EQ, 10 on EX, and I dont know about transunion. I havn't gotten the denial letter from them but she said something like "we used a credit scoring system in which unfortunatly you didnt score enough." I said What report did you pull, and she told me transunion.I said im sure it had something to do with the length of my credit history- she said yeah you have to have 2 accounts in good standing for at least a year. So I have no idea. I called transunions automated # today to request my free credit report......
Well It could be that your inquirys are dragging your score down. But be aware that they cannot be that vague when giving you reasons for a denial. They cannot say "Because you scored too low". They have to give a specific reason. It is the law. If you really need a card you might try Cap 1's unsecured Visa card. Check there web site and see if you may qualify. If I remember correctly I believe that there are ones for people building credit historys.
Hmm My FICO is 701 , I thought that was good ? The Target inquiry didn't bring it down any. Knock on wood .....
I already have their partially secured card, its my only tradeline. Target hasnt started reporting yet. Im waiting til the 10th and im going to PFB mr.cooke. I sure hope he at least raises my limit by at least $400 or offers me a new card. The raise in limit really wouldnt matter since they only report high credit.
Why don't you just apply for another Cap 1, and then ask retention to bump your new CL. The next day call Mr Cooke, and he'll combine the 2 and mabybe he'll give you a small CL bump. Charlie
The only ones offered online are The platnium, miles on, and business. I dont think I'd qualify for platnium "no hassle" card.....
Well today I got my denial letter in the mail. It doesnt state specific reaons for denial and says to call if you want them, so thats exactly what I did. They said the reason I was denied is because of the age of my accounts listed in my TU report. He said that they like to see at least one, preferably two accounts in good standing for a year. I asked him if there was any other card I would qualify for and he said he wasn't sure, and I asked him what card was easiest to get. He than told me that the platinum card I applied for was basically it, their "run of the mill card," he called it. So I said after my visa ages to a year I could re apply and more than likely get it. He said possibly - Well I'll wait about a year and apply for this card again. My Cap one. Visa will be a year Oct. 10th, but I want to wait a little longer than that....Just thought I'd share the final info.
Good Deal. Like I said I had one open account for one year. I am not sure why he called it the Run of the Mill card at 9.74% with 0% BT for a year because I think that is really good for someone with little credit. I could be paying 20 percent. Try again and good luck. Diane
Eric: Hang in there, your time will come. When I was first establishing credit, I thought I would never get a major credit card with a large credit limit. Just keep a Visa or MC with the same company for a year or two and you'll have no problem getting a CL of $2,500 on up. Then, you can be like the rest of us...owing thousands of dollars on credit cards trying to figure out how in the heck to pay it all off!!!
I have an AT&T Platnium that was charged off (lost my job). I read several times on this post that citi bank issues the cards. I thought it was Universal Bank out of Nevada? Are they the same company?
Eric, how did you find out if it was denied? I just applied, and am waiting to hear. Is there a number to call, and how long did you wait? I noticed that it was about 6 days when you found out, but didn't know if you called them or not. I don't have a number. I'd love to BT my providian. this would make 3 new card for me in a short amount of time. NO MORE!!!
Tracy - If you call the applicatin line (sorry I don't have the # anymore) they explain to you that this is the application line and if you need to check the status of your application, well it reads off a number to you. It's long distance, but was worth it instead of waiting for that denial letter. Also if your denied they wont tell you the reasons in the letter, you have to call them fo find out. Hope you got approved!