Hi, Who here hates AT&T? Before that I hated Pac Bell. Incompetent, malicious, liars that they were. Years ago I took every single service and extra off my telephone line. No call waiting, no messenging center, no NADA... The only thing I kept was my dial tone. Yet my bills kept going up and up and Pac Bell and now AT&T couldn't explain to me why. Like each month my bill is at least $100.00 and I have NADA features. Just the dial tone. So several years ago I stopped paying everything but the basic charge of about $22.00 per month and still the bill climbs. This has been going on since 2002 up until my last bill last month. Every few months they send the newest bills to collections and the CA starts sending letters. I shouldn't ignore it but I do. I just don't have the energy to deal with this when nobody will or can give me a straight freaking answer. A few months ago we got another letter from our dearly beloved CA. It's this letter or more to the point the envelope that the letter came in that I have issue with. I want to know if I can sue the CA for violations. Here's the way the envelope was addressed: To: John ("GOT NO CASH") Smith XXX Anderson Road Nowhere, USA 12121 From: Your local CA. I know I shouldn't have but I was so pissed off at this that I immediately called them up and went totally off. Later in thinking about it I was laughing because I have never, ever seen a CA stutter and be so quick to apologize to me. Do I have any actionable violations on them? Big thanks. JuleJ
You should of kept at AT&T about this billing problem, I don't know if it is too late now but I say to talk to the collection agency and explain that you disagree with the high billing when you didn't have any extra services on this account. Usually what you are suppose to do is pay it up current then dispute and then get refunded back the difference if they find in your favor. Now so much time has passed that they might not have accurate records the more time goes by the less they keep. I would of stopped doing business with them in the first place if I seen a bill that far off. I would of disputed with them to waive the fees, sometimes if you dispute the balance it can be waived. I had that happen when a child in the house somehow called out of country. The phone company dropped the charges and it was almost $500. So it does not hurt to try.