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Attention Creditneters--lets Vote

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Reshod, Nov 13, 2001.

  1. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    BKEV = Should Stay!!!!!

    I have gotten many good tips from him on this board and on many past post's..Like mentioned there is that ignore button take classes and learn how to use it!!
  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    I vote for the minnesota twins to stay.

    and micheal jordan to retire.

    jerry jones and al davis to go away.

    and a honorary museum for Payne Stewart.

    and of course Britney Spears can stay as long as she wants.

  3. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    Another useless thread started as a result of Bkevs posts..............what a waste of a good board. If this is an idea of what the board is going to become then shut the whole thing down PBM.
  4. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member


    Don't ban bkev or bbauer. This board is for free speech. Don't read it if you don't want to. There are plently of other threads on this board.
  5. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Let them both stay.

    This is a discussion board. That means everyone gets their say.

    If this discussion were taking place face to face, and someone voiced an opinion you didn't like, you might argue for awhile then just stop listening to what you didn't like.

    On the internet, this is called the "ignore button".

    Inappropriate postings? Maybe. Who cares. Ignore!

    Both guys have valuable information. If we start with banning one person, who will be next? If everyone agreed there would be no discussion!

    Slowly curing crappy credit
  6. jzilla

    jzilla Well-Known Member

    I think everyone needs to get over it. BKev isn't the first one to go after Bill, if anyone remembers that far back. And I'm sure he won't be the last. If you all stop feeding the fire, so to speak, the fued will quickly lose it's momentum.
  7. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    No, don't ban either of them.

    Long live free speech.
  8. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Joe... you can always use the ignore feature if you're afraid of the truth.....

    of course, this thread is dead... no one looks here anyway
  9. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Not true people read this forum as well as the other forums.

    Credit Talk Topic is just more "live" and frequented thats all....

    Credt Defns!

    -Peace, Dave
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Here's an update. :)

    Reshod declared that this vote would take place during the [to quote] "specified period to begin 1200 CST, 13 Nov 2001 and end 1200 CST 18 Nov 2001." That sounds pretty official if you ask me, LOL. If Reshod can designate himself the king of "specified periods," then I'm going to designate myself the king of vote-counting. I will provide an official update (just like CNN!) every day at precisely 1038 CST (give or take an hour or two).

    Here are the results from the first day of voting:

    KEEP BKEV: 18 ( ~ 56%)
    BAN BKEV: 10 ( ~ 31%)

    For those who prefer to examine these preliminary results by voter (in alphabetical order):

    KEEP BKEV: anna, Bill B, Dani, EdG, Gregory, hm2222, JacquiG, jzilla, KristyW, kustomkat, lbowman, lmckenzie, Lurker, marci, Mediccc24, PsychDoc, romanduv, SofaKing
    BAN BKEV: author_22, beary, BruteForce, DaveyBoy, joe, loni, Mist, MP$40, Reshod, Tuit
    UNDECIDED REMARK MAVENS: fingrrrl, kell393, mglanham, Nave

    Keeping you informed in an effort to improve our world,

  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Doc... your stats are off... I voted for myself.... You didn't count that.....
  12. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    HEY, THAT'S DIRTY POOL. You can't vote for yourself! That's a rule. I figure if Reshod can make rules, so can I.

  13. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    DIRTY POOL? Try again... My vote is grandfathered in... I recorded before you changed to the rule :p
  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Crap, you have a point.

    Your vote will be included in the recount to be held tomorrow.

    Just be glad this isn't Florida.

  15. jzilla

    jzilla Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Reshod, change my vote. He needs to go. Too disruptive. And no, I don't want to put you on ignore because then I can't read any thread you've posted on.
  16. eddie

    eddie Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Bill posts inaccurate misleading and just downright wrong information at times. Someone needs to be able to point out Bills errors just for the sake of accuracy. Banning those like Bkev who call Bill on his misinformation is wrong. Further those who would ban him for the sake of peace and harmony are truly misguided. I vote not to ban Bkev. But I do vote for banning any future votes on banning anyone.
  17. eddie

    eddie Well-Known Member

    Also Bkev has contributed greater by far to this forum than the person who started this thread. Maybe he should go.
  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    Tell you what. If you find out anyplace you think I'm wrong, then why not just send me an email and tell me. That way I learn from my errors and you will be deeply appreciated and you won't be starting any stupid flame wars. I will thank you greatly on top of it.

    Sure I make errors in my thinking. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I never have been and I never will be.

    So if you want to be of service to the folks on this board, just send me an email and point out where you think I am wrong and you can bet your bottom dollar I will find out the answer from people who actually do know and if they say I am wrong, I will gladly make my retraction and apology.

    That's all it takes, no flame wars, no tearing up the forums, no nasty posts, no nothing.

    How about it? Are you a taker or a faker?
  19. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo


    You have just received a Taliban virus. Since we are
    not so technologically advanced here in Afghanistan, this is a
    MANUAL virus.

    Please delete all the files on your hard drive yourself
    and send this mail to everyone you know.

    Thank you very much for helping me.

    Talibanian Hacker
  20. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Attention Creditneters--lets Vo

    LOL Bill nice virus message.

    My vote, as long as the clutter is kept off the Credit Talk board like this...it seems much more pleasant and opinions can be voiced, responded to and disagreed with, or agreed to, and it suits me just fine.

    I am with George...I don't hate commercials...I just like it better that I can switch the channel when they are on.

    -Peace, Dave

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