What state? I don't have your answer, but figured this detail could hlep you get a bit closer to the answer.
The answer may be that there is no specific amount established. If the court would award attorney's fees, it would be the court's discretion as to whether or not the attorney's fees being asked for by the plaintiff are reasonable. If they are even allowed at all, by the alleged contract which established the account. Section 808(1). So, if a company were trying to sue me, and were demanding legal fees, I would make sure that they presented (and the judge/magistrate knew why I was demanding that they present) the original contract allowing for said charges. In a lot of cases, they try to ask for fees on a contingency basis, i.e. approx 25-33% of the debt, or more, however that type of arrangement between the lawyer and the plaintiff is not always allowed to be honored by the court when the defendant is being asked to pay for the legal fees, because they were not one of the parties who agreed to calculating said fees, in said manner.