Hello everyone, This is my first post i searched through a few pages and found some helpful posts but none exactly like my situation. I had a attws account that i have not used since dec it got charged off. I got a letter today from a CA it is the first letter from them and says they will not contact the CRA for 30 days from the date of the letter. First i called Cingular and they told me that they do not own the account anymore and that they do not report to the CRA's. I then called the CA i told the agent that i wanted to pay it off. He told me that they will not report it if i pay asap or set up a payment for the end of this month by giving out my checking account info. I asked him if he can first send a letter that states that if i pay they will not report it. He said that he could not do that that if i pay with a check that it would take 30 days to get the letter out and if its by Credit Card it would take 90 days to send it out. I am really worried since the account was under my mom's Social Security # i got the phone using her info online (she gave consent). What can i do i just want to pay it off and not have it go on her credit report. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Hi and welcome to the board I would call back and talk to someone else and see if they can fax to you since that can be done pretty much right then and there. I have had a CA do that for me when I refused to do anything until I got something in writing. Don't tell them it is your mother's account as that will just give them more ammunition to use against you. Keep calling back or ask to speak to a supervisor who can maybe put something in writing. Good luck and hang in there!
DON'T DON'T DON'T trust anything the CA says to you, especially on the phone!!! They will try to make it sound like they are "on your side", that they are "willing to help", etc. DON'T BE FOOLED! All they want is to get paid. What you need to do is send the the Validation letter before your 30 days is up. Also include in the letter that you want them to contact you by mail only because you do not conduct business over the telephone. While it is inevitable that they will get paid, or you will settle this with them in some way, you want to preserve your rights!! If you listen to them they are only looking out for their best interst!!! - not yours! Send the validation letter by certified mail, return receipt!
Absolutely agree with what pd said here too. Normally I do everything via CMRR as well, but I will admit to having had conversations on the phone. I stated I wanted whatever we talked about in writing before any money was sent and repeated that to the point where I am sure they were pulling their hair out. This was after months of reading and I was comfortable with doing so. Since you are new, I would follow what pd said, a papertrail is a beautiful thing when it comes time to play hardball.
ATTWS's CA reached me last summer about an old $93 I'd owed them. (long story) Anyway, they promised they wouldn't report me if I paid. So I paid, and they reported me anyway. The name of the CA was Palisades something-or-other. Be very careful if dealing with them. d