AU's hitting credit report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Trying2Fix, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    How long does it take for new accounts to hit your credit report? Over the past 2 weeks, I was added as an AU to my wife's Citi AAdvantage and my dad's Chase cards. I also recently got a Capital One and Bloomingdales card on my own, and am waiting for my new partially secured BoA card. I currently have 5 open and up to date accounts, a student loan, 1 collection and 1 chargeoff (waiting for validation from CA, 30 days is almost here!). How long until these new accounts hit my reports and what kind of jump should I expect? I have a 580 Equifax Fico right now.
  2. bsutton21

    bsutton21 Well-Known Member

    It all just depends on when the creditor decides to report it but in most cases about 1-2 months. I had many added of my fathers. One major thing to watch out for other than the acct holder not paying on time is there limit to balance ratio. Make sure that you are not going on a card that holds a high balance, this can affect you adversely. Equifax does NOT report au's.
  3. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    Are you sure about Equifax not reporting AU's? I have been an AU on my parents Gold and Platinum Amex account for many years and it is reported on all 3! It only shows the High Balance since neither card has an actual limit. One is like $9000 and the other is about $35,000.

    As far as the 2 new cards that I have been added to, my wife's Citi AAdvantage has no pre-set limit, although her statement shows a $16,500 limit. She has a high balance of $7000, but has always paid off her entire balance every month no matter what it was, and has never been late and she averages about $1000 a month. The Chase card of my dad's is his business card that has a $7,600 limit. He uses it sparingly, about $1000 a month also pays it off in full every month and has never been late.

    I made sure about these factors prior to them requesting the AU.
  4. bsutton21

    bsutton21 Well-Known Member

    Eq was showing my au's and within the last 6 mths deleted those TL's
  5. AJ

    AJ Active Member

    I'm still waiting for Equifax to report my AU accounts I added at the beginning of the month. CITI and DISCOVER posted on EXP and TU within 10 days ( to my surprise) but nada on Equifax.

    I hope they actually post.
  6. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Equifax will not always list AUs if you don't have an address in common with the Cardholder. Happened to me. Continued until I got an updated address added.
  7. ss101

    ss101 Member


    Discover told me that I had to add the AU as a "joint account" holder. I asked them to send me some info and the authorization paper said "once added as a joint account user they CAN NOT be removed" I think maybe the rep did not give the correct info. Please let me know what you had to provide to be added as an authorized user (SSN, address, DOB, etc...)
  8. AJ

    AJ Active Member

    Actually it was strange because Discover didn't require anything..not my ssn or my address. My mother added me to her card and clearly requested AU. We later questioned if it would post at all. Its listed as an AU account on 2 CR's.

    Anxious I called the OC's to ask to be added and they told me the usual "30 days to report". But maybe my request made them post it sooner since it appeared within 10 days. Again, they never even asked for an ssn or addy.

    Maybe they reported AU because I am a daughter? Maybe aging parents usually do this with children.

    And Experian did add her address to my addresses.

    UPDATE=======OCT 23

    CITI ADVANTAGE CARD posted on all 3 CRA's as AU accounts.

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