Authorized User Credit Cards?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vectorz, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. vectorz

    vectorz Well-Known Member

    If anyone knows of a Credit Card company that'll report to credit bureaus, for authorized added on users? At this point, the easiest way for me to boost my credit score is by getting a revolving line of credit. And I think the easiest way to do that is to be added onto a friend or relative's account. However, I don't want to waste their time w/ the cards that do not report. Could everyone give me input on which ones, in their experience, definitely do?
  2. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I am an AU on a few of my fiance's accounts, and he is au on a few of mine. MBNA and Citi don't report AU status for us, but Sears does.

    I added my sister as AU on my AMEX and it reports on her credit report.
  3. liesel

    liesel Active Member

    Capital One reports authorized users. I started out as an AU on my husband's accounts and after a year he called them up and asked to make me a joint owner and they did without a hard inquiry on my report. They reported me as an AU right away, too. I recommend it!
  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Accounts that I'm AU on, that report.

    Sears Gold MasterCard on
    TU w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.
    EX w/Limit and original open date, and complete balance history, responsibility AU.
    EQ w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.

    Discover Classic on
    TU w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.
    EX w/Limit and original open date, and complete balance history, responsibility AU.
    EQ w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.

    AT&T Universal Platinum MasterCard on
    TU w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.
    EX w/Limit and original open date, and complete balance history, responsibility NA.
    EQ w/Limit and original open date, responsibility AU.

    Bank One Platinum MasterCard (First USA) on
    EX w/Limit and original open date, and complete balance history, responsibility NA.
    EQ w/Limit and original open date, responsibility Un-designated.
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Texaco reports AU
    Spiegel reports AU
    Wells Fargo reports AU
    Target reports AU
  6. KK

    KK Well-Known Member

    I am an AU on a relative's Citibank Choice MC. It is reported to Exp & Equifax as Authorized User and on TU it is reported as Authorized Account. In my case it helps with the credit limits but I have not idea how it factors into my scores.


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