Does anyone know if Exxon Mobil reports an authorized user on my account to the credit agencies? I am trying to help my GF's credit rating by adding her as an authorized user. I also have accounts with Kohls, Capital One, Chase, and Discover. What companies will report them to the credit agencies? If anyone knows a company that does, PLEASE POST!
I'm not sure about Exxon, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the companies you mentioned report AU's. I know for sure that Discover, CapOne and Chase will.
Do your AU's have the same last name, or live at the same address? My girlfriend and I live in seperate houses. Since the credit companies don't ask for anything other than a name, how easy would it be for them to track her down and put it on her CR? Seems like it might be a challenge with just a name only. How long did it take after you added them did your account show up on the AU's CR?
My AUs have the same name/address, and then generally took about 60-90 days to start showing up. If they didn't ask for SSN or address, and nothing else matches, it may not show up on her reports. But you never know, it could very well still show up. You could always have her start using your address for all her mail/bills. There's nothing wrong with that, and then you could dispute her incorrect address with the CRAs to make sure your reports show the same address right away.
Anytime you are going to add someone as an authorized user you need to follow 3 rules in order for it to help not hurt the credit. 1. Make sure there are no existing lates on the card you are adding someone too. 2. The card needs to be at least 2 years old to make more than a couple points difference DO NOT add someone to a card less than a year old. 3. The balance on the card should be less than 30% of the limit. Most companies will report an authorized user and my advice is to get added to as many that meet this criteria as possible. If it doesn't report you can always call them after 2 months and have her removed.
Are you telling us that getting an AU put on for a credit line that is maxed out will hurt your credit? Some people who have paid good money for such AU access are not going to be pleased to hear that. Some might think the seller of such an AU needs to do some explaining or refunding.