Curious to know from those who subscribe(d) to a CMS and had an auto loan done in the last several years how far off was the score given on the score sheet vs your FICO/FAKO.
MC, I work for an independent dealer and have dappled a little in the F&I area in the last few months. Had a good friend apply for a loan within the last month. We pull Equifax almost exclusively although we can pull and merge all three. My friend did a one time CR /CS directly from the EQ website and we pulled him a day later. We pulled a 668, he did a 675. So you can see the difference. I was always told the biggest descrepancy is with TransUnion.... but I could be wrong.
Thank you mijd for the info. Dealer pulled all 3 on me but score sheet (IDK official name as I don't have it with me at the moment) only showed the EQ score. There was a 80 point difference between my FAKO and this score with THIS score being higher (FAKO=mid/high 6's and this was mid 7's)...thought perhaps this weighed more heavily previous auto loans?
MC, Could be. I have seen it higher from Corelogic than from a FAKO score. The difference is interesting. I still haven't understood the big deal about the public not being able to obtain a real score. Maybe I should Google this question........ :}
Thanks again mijd. I wouldn't have given it much thought had the difference not been so huge. Don't get me wrong, I liked the 760'something score but feel that on standard revolving accounts, they'll see more of a mid high 6's.