Hi All Been reading and catching up on my credit repair knowledge, I have a total of 19 inquiries between my 3 reports, and I was wondering if the "rule" regarding hard pulls for automotive loans within a 30 days period counts as 1 as long as they are coded Automotive is still true? I would love to go from 19 to 10 just by making sure they are coded Auto, and my 3 oldest would drop off by 9.2011 bring me down to 8. Thanks in advance
Yes, the FICO-scoring model will not penalize you for rate shopping on auto/home loans. Just try to always make sure you do your rate shopping in the same month and you should be fine.
Thanks Josh Understanding this that means my score wouldn't rise too much by making sure they are coded Auto. They are from 7.6.2010 to 8.6.2010 9 in total.
Credit inquiries account for a small percentage of your FICO scores, so they shouldn't have a huge effect either way.