B of A Student Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    My daughter got a B of A student card with an 800 CL. If she called to get an increase and/or lower % would she have a chance at either? She was a credit "ghost" prior to her getting the card. Charlie
  2. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    I seriously doubt it. If she has no history at all, they will probably not budge on either. However, it never hurts to try. I would tell them not to pull a hard inquiry when requesting a limit increase. Good luck!!
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Thanks miles. I told her the same thing. I think that she is like GEORGE, a RNG, because she has applied for almost everything and been denied. Student cards have all denied her except BofA. She must have 15 inquiries, and at least 4 are from apartments. She has been denied apartments because of no credit history. Charlie
  4. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Hi charlieslex, I started out with the Bank of America student visa card back in 1994 with a $800 credit limit. I could never get bofa to increase the credit line. BofA says that they don't give increases on the student cards. I called them about two weeks ago and a rep told me to call the credit department and ask them to convert my student card to a standard bofa visa. With a standard visa you can get credit line increases and have online access to the account and get those cash advance checks. I called the credit department and told the lady I have been a good customer since 1994 and if I can convert without a credit inquiry. She said no problem and I will get a standard visa card with a different number on it within 12 business days. I did not request a credit limit increase. Two days later I received my bofa visa statement and my credit limit was increased to $1300 without me even asking. I called a rep about increases and he stated that my account would be reviewed again in 9 months and then every 6 months and that I would have to request a limit increase. I do have the balance transfer offer of prime for the life of the loan available on my account. My apr is 14.2% and no annual fee.
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Thanks jr for the info. I'm hoping that maybe in a year she can do the same thing that you did. Charlie

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