ok kbanger, I said a few posts ago or in the suburban thread that you were wearing Mrs. Kbanger out in your efforts at natural inducement. I take it all back, do double-time! hang from the light fixtures, christen every room in the house, forget about the suburban -- do it in the backseat of whatever car you have now! Take Mrs. Kbanger for a walk in between and then start all over again! LOL ;-) Sassy
Sassy, I love your advice. Do you think you could prescribe triple time/ Too much would never be too much for me. Still wondering how come it took us four years to get here. (lol)
I say today or tonight. Congratulations in advance by the way. I just had a little girl on June 3rd I love new babies.
No Saturday baby news yet? Maybe they're at the hospital right now?? I still say the 29th though!! =)
ok kbanger, I was feeling bad for Mrs. Kbanger, she's not in the mood, I know it! Triple time. You've got to switch from aerobics to gymnastics ;-) Sassy
Yoohoo! Baby fico! Please come out and play! All the CreditNetters are waiting for you . . . LOL, Kbanger, the baby is already famous, and she's not even born yet.
dang me, kbanger, I keep seeing this thread light up and think SURELY Mrs. Kbanger is waiting in the car for you to drive her to the hospital ;-). The truth is kbanger, sex or no sex (are we still on triple time or quadruple time now) , babies come in God's good time AND you aren't snoring, just when you get to dreaming a good dream (of red suburbans no doubt), Mrs. Kbanger will be whacking you upside the head to hurry up and get the car started. Sassy
kbanger, When I finally had it waiting for baby #5, I took my oldest and went for a walk. We walked around the school across the street. As we were heading home, I noticed we could "shortcut" diagonally through the field by the school. I looked at my daughter and said "race ya!". She won and I was in labor! Baby born a few hours later! If she has the strength, take her for a 'walk'!
kbanger, When I finally had it waiting for baby #5, I took my oldest and went for a walk. We walked around the school across the street. As we were heading home, I noticed we could "shortcut" diagonally through the field by the school. I looked at my daughter and said "race ya!". She won and I was in labor! Baby born a few hours later! If she has the strength, take her for a 'walk'!
When are they scheduled to induce? Surely no later than wed. or so? With my first they were scheduled to induce on a Mon. at 6 a.m. My water broke at about 2 a.m. before.