We will find out when the Doctor wants to induce tomorrow. The doctor said he does not let people go past two weeks. Saturday coming up will be two weeks.
Has he done anything to push it along? Without getting in detail he could have started the process already.
just think, it'll definately be any day now. by Friday, you'll be holding your baby. I'm so glad both of mine were early, because I don't think that I could have handled all the suspense of being late! I check every morning when I get up, to hear about the baby news. Geez! LOL
Just a small hint/suggestion: It's the appetizers, not necessarily the main course, that can usually help get labor going. If you want to know how I know, e-mail me privately....has to do with the body's natural oxytocin (NOT oxycontin-- that's totally different) and oxytocin's similarities to the pitocin drip that doctors often use to help progress labor along. Baby will be here soon...
That is OK I am not sure if he tried it yet, I think that they (or should I say HE) was more interested in the sex part. LOL