Back Child Support That is Not Mine

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tremolo, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. tremolo

    tremolo New Member

    Hi. New to this forum, but want to see if anyone can assist.

    I recently pulled all 3 credit reports, Experian and Transunion are accurate.

    Equifax, however, has a huge sum of back child support on my report. This in no way shape or form is my debt, as I do not have children, and the date the payments began were from me being a 17 year old high school student. They also report an address that I have never resided at.

    How in the world can such a blunder occur? What are the best ways to remedy? I am worried, because not only is this debt scarring my credit, it is also a crime associated with my SSN.
  2. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    Contact the county for which the child support is collected., That is where it would be paid if they were your offspring. It should be the reporting creditor listed in the CRA report.

    If they arent yours, then it should be a easy clean up.
  3. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    I'd find out 2 how they got yer ssn, to put in on yer report.

    I don't know how, but I'd make somebody pay for this, cause this ain't funny. Ya know how bad somethin like that looks on yer report?

    I know it seems like I'm makin a mountain outta a molehill, but I don't care :)

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