balance transfers

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by john heim, Apr 23, 2000.

  1. john heim

    john heim Guest

    Which are the best cards in order to
    accrue rebares and or rewards for doing balance transfers?
  2. john heim

    john heim Guest

    john heim wrote:
    Which are the best cards in order to
    accrue rebates and or rewards for doing balance transfers?
  3. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    There are not many cards that will give you rewards for balance transfers. The feeling is they are already giving you a reward by lowering your credit cost. If you have a paypal or account you can earn points by charging to the card and paying them back before interest starts accumulating. I use the CreditWorks method to earn from my credit. It is a "credit sense" approach. CreditWorks pays 19.47% APR.

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