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Bam! Chase Gold Approved!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cyprigirl, Nov 8, 2001.

  1. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    Hey,Cypri if you don't mind tell me what was your credit score when you got your AMEX...

    God created man,man created Fico,man destroy God...Fico destroyed man....
  2. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    the fax number is 1-302-758-4077 and I simply explained why I would be a valuable customer and I stressed my relationship with other Prime banks and i only had one negative that was from 95 and that i would be shopping for big ticket items in the next few years i.e house, car etc...and would not forget who took care of me. Which is all true.

    If you have more than one negative, I would strongly suggest getting them deleted, Chase really is tough.

    nava: my score was 696 for the AMEX, I thought is was a little higher but the AMEX confirmed my score.

  3. joe

    joe Well-Known Member


    What will you do with all that credit? You mentioned credit goals.... Are you going to buy something(s)?


    Just wondering....
  4. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Keep credit ratios down and build my limits and credit to when I am ready to start a business in a few years, I can open my practice.
    Honestly, I don't need all this credit but I am on a mission and I like the security of being able to buy what I need and want.

    Very simple!

  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    aroo! pant - drool!

    call diners - tell them you have citi and amex but you heard they had the best rewards program -
    they will approve you. they are easier than amex!

    the carte blanche diners card is the hard one.
    c ya dogman
  6. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks dogman!

    Which Report do they pull and how about the score?

    I would really like a diners club card!

    I will check it out!

  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member


    C - not sure now - I had it quite a few years back LOL!

    arrrf - happy friday - dogman
  8. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member



    You're top prime now!


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