Hi, I'm not sure how to proceed with this; the details are as follows: I have two judgments against me, one for school and the other for a credit card. 1. The school judgment is from a CA and I have sent them the request for verification using the form letter on this site. The judgment was already won against me, but 28 days after I sent the letter they acknowledged receipt of the letter and stated they would forward me the documents that I request. I haven't heard from them since then, its been about 2 weeks. --Do they have to send me these documents if they already have a judgement against me? --I'm pretty sure that I can prove that they didn't serve me correctly, since they sent to an old address and the creditor has been my employer for the last 5 years. --They've voluntarily released the hold on my bank acct., can they still freeze it or garnish my wages whenever they want since they have the judgment? --how to proceed with this? 2. I recently had my account frozen again from a credit card debt, another CA firm. This happened a few hours ago and I haven't contacted them yet. --What is the SOL for NYS? I don't have a copy of the actual judgment, but I found a copy of the summons from 4 months ago (it remained unopened until yesterday when i found it). It reads. "judgment will be taken against you for $2902 with interest from 8/24/2001." Is that the date of last payment from which the SOL begins? --How do I go about getting my assets released as quickly as possible, as I live paycheck to paycheck and haven't paid my rent yet and now I will be late. Will they release them if I make payment arrangements? Can they garnish anyway? How should i proceed? Please help soon if possible, I have only twenty dollars in my wallet to last me until I can resolve this! I would take phone help too! NYGuy
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