bank acct frozen..?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bonezzz, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. bonezzz

    bonezzz Active Member

    learned today that COHEN and Slamowitz llc put a hold on my bank for a acct that is not on my credit reports, or removed from 1999- cross country bank, i sent a request to verify debt in 2004 with no response twice, my bank M&T won't do anything, any ideas?
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Find out which court a default judgment was taken against you and move to vacate insofar as process was never effected, right?

    Did you not recieve any type of notice that a Complaint has been issued against you?
  3. bonezzz

    bonezzz Active Member

    Ya, they did a civil here in NYS, i went and got a order to show cause - the address they servered is not my legal address, but the address on my credit report as reported in 2004 when the debt was being validated, and on top it is a debt that is not on my credit report (all 3 ) it has been removed..

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