Bank of America: P+0% BT offer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Jun 23, 2002.

  1. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Looks like many people here got Bank of America's "prime for life" balance transfer offer.

    How old was your account at the time you got their offer?

  2. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    I opened my account 12/2001 @ 10.9% APR fixed.
    In 05/02 I called for decrease and received 9.9% APR fixed for purchases + $4000 CL increase.
    In 06/02 I received BT checks without asking @ 4.75% APR fixed until paid.
  3. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    Can you let us know what CRA is pulled, scores, any other special criteria like no derogs, etc. Thanks!!
  4. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    They pulled hard from Equifax,my FICO after inquiry 728,never had any derogs...
    Also CSR said if you have more accounts with them like checking,saving,mortgage chances to get better terms for CC are higher...
    I only have one Platinum Visa CC with Bank of America...that's it
  5. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    BofA send me prime rate BT checks until it paid off for both of my Platinum Cards. I have BofA Platinum MC for almost 3 yrs and Platinum Visa for over 2 yrs.

  7. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Saar, It´s easy!. You only have to call them and ask for it. If you do the bal transfer over the phone it is free. But if you use their checks, they will charge a $50 fee per check.
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I got mine in April and made a big stink about the purchase APR and BT rate. I was offered 9.9 for purchase and 8.9 for BT's when I GOT the card the rates were 11.99 purchase and 11.99 BT.

    I called many times and then PFB'd them, I got the 9.9 purchase and 4.75 BT for life rate. I didn'[t use the card for about 1 month until they fixed the rates.
  9. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    My BofA Story ..

    Feb 01 .. approved for 8.9 BT CL 6800; used all credit available

    paid regular payments, then I got a 6.4% BT w/ Chase Manhattan in December 01 which I used to pay off BofA..

    automatic increase to 9300 in January came with attached letter to raise CL to 12,000 if I did a BT and the offer of 4.75% variable for life. TOOK IT.

    This week Hubby got a 0% DISCOVER TITANIUM until January.. I transfered remaining debt of 8,300 from BofA to DISCOVER

    Hoping that I can go back to BofA @ 4.75% later.. unless something better comes along at the correct time.


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