Provident bank is reporting to transunion and only transunion that I have a "satisfied foreclosure." Never had one. How do I handle it being that it's not really a debt.
Ummmm....yes? Is that too obvious a suggestion? Please don't tell me that you wanted some complicated other solution before you started with perhaps the step that could provide you with most information. You don't believe in asking questions first? For instance, if your newspaper carrier didn't deliver your paper tomorrow....what would you do? Would you call them and ask why.....or would you launch off on a mission that might not be necessary? "All the best" <smiling sweetly>
Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure We're not dealing with a paperboy. This is a legal matter. Not only is it common sense, it's been my experience that you communicat with them in writing. If one does call you better be ready to be the one asking the questions and be damn sure you ask the right one's. "Yea DUH Providian it's DUH not me who you forclosed on." I wonder how many time they've herd that line. The way it works is they have to prove it's me. Me thrying to prove it's not me is an act of futility and they will only try to gather more information to lessen their liability. But thank you for your relpy. It's helped my bring to mind what I already knew. I need to find out what information they actually have have and what prompted them to choose my account to file it under.
Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure And...since you seem to be such an expert....WHY are you asking for advice???? To all the newbies.....he represents himself to be such a credit expert, yet doesn't even take the first logica step to address his own situation?? Go figure
Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure If you never had any foreclosure, did you contact TU via writing and tell them it wasn't yours?
Re: Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure I've been around long enough to know good from bad advice. I'm looking for good advice.
Re: Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure If you know there was never a foreclosure, you might as well proceed down all paths: 1) CRA and DF disputes in writing, CRRR, in case you later need to file suit, and 2) calling DF to try to get it removed to limit damage as quickly as possible and find out whatever you can. The longer damaging TLs are on your reports, the more damage they do and the more they cost you. Getting damaged enough to justify and attract an attorney is small consolation for what it will have cost you. Did you have a mortgage with Providian? Do you believe this is entirely erroneous, or did you have several lates that might have led to them starting, then stopping foreclosure?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bank Reporting Forelosure Never had one with Providian. But they have a lein too I need to get set aside or something. I meant to say Provident Bank is reporting the satisfied forclosure to TransUnion only. I've already disputed it three times with the CRA. I wanted to take care of the tradelines first which is completely clean now. How would it profit them to report and keep verifying something that's satisfied? I tend to think it's the CRA that's not honestly verifying it. BTW I'm not familiar with the acronym "DF" and it's not in the glossary. Thanks very much for your reply.