If I get a notice from MBNA or other is there anything I can do about it? Can I explain that John Deere really is an installment?
Re: Re: Bank1/1st USA & Wachovia/MBNA Yes, call the number on the notification and speak with an account review analyst.
Re: Re: Bank1/1st USA & Wachovia/MBNA Thanks CA! I'll keep an eye on it. Should I be concerned about Chase or Bank One?
Re: Re: Re: Bank1/1st USA & Wachovia/MBNA Bank One? Not yet, I wouldn't say. But watch for the entire industry of prime lenders to start this practice. Chase does it as well, as far as I know. The subprime market will probably never do it because of all the default rate terms they have and how aggressive they already are with those. CA
Re: Re: Bank1/1st USA & Wachovia/MBNA George, Somewhere you posted that you "max out" your 0% bt offers....how does that affect you score wise? And how long would you say you carry these high balances? I currently don't carry hardly any personal debt but if I have any biz debt on me personally I am worried about that score problem. Which companies do you feel have been the easiest to work with and the most fair in all your circumstances without a lot of adverse reaction?