Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tnobles, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    No one has really been willing to give me any cc's bc of a very short history. Bankone/First USA appoved me last month for an AOL Visa, well I got brave and decided to apply for the Marriots reward card (really wanted the Disney but too chicken to apply) Just found out APPROVED! 5k credit limit. Does this mean I am prime now? Yippee. I have already cut up all of mine and hubby's subprime so we don't have too many cards.
  2. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Usually prime would mean a score of 680 FICO or more. Then again, it's subjective
  3. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    My score was "prime" at one point, but I have several new accts that have TANKED my scores, not even CLOSE anymore.
  4. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Well, new accounts to tend to lower scores, especially after losing some older accounts. But as long as these are just *new accouts*, then you can expect the scores to keep going up. So, if you have no new lates, expect the "new account" problem to decrease within 6 months to a year. Being that you got approved by Bankone, your credit's probably not bad (they don't like derog items very much).
  5. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    You're not even close to 680 and you got approved twice?? Way to go. Who did they pull? According the website they (as first usa) pull EFX and that's good b/c it's my higher score but it also has more hits than any of them. I applied online earlier today for their prime card and they "say" it takes 30 days. Goodness I hope not. How did you apply and how long did it take?
  6. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    cut up cards there such a thing as too many cards?? I hope not.....ok all joking aside, I did hear that so when is optimum to cut up and close MY old subprime cards.....which I'll do with wild abandon, like cross country!! Bottom Feeders I tell you. I've had the card with the whopping $350 cl for two years. Can I close it?? My husband's had his with like a 3k cl paid perfect for probably five years and they reward him by jacking him up. He wants to close his too. But last time he closed a card it tanked him.
  7. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

    The first one my score was 670 this time 663, it now has dropped to 643. OUCH!!! But I have had 5 new accts hit me at once sooo.... They pulled Efx both times. THANX!! I applied on line for both, AOL was advertising both times. The AOL card it took about 4 or 5 days (if I am remembering right) to get the approval, this time I applied on the 19th, got the approval today, I had to call both times to find out if I was approved.
  8. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

    Amy B,
    I believe they primarily pull EFX. They pulled EFX for me as well. As far as how long it takes, they only had to put me on hold to check when I applied, and came back and let me know. So why not call them and maybe they'll have an answer for you
  9. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    What number did you call? I asked the guy when I applied and he just kept saying 30 days.
  10. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

  11. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

    When I had a score of 690-696 NO ONE would approve me. I guess bc of no previous revolving credit, then I had dh add me as AU on his Cap1 and I have since been able to get Orchard (yuck) Chevron, Carter Lumber, GM Mastercard, and now 2 Bankone's. Now the new accts plus a line of credit from my bank and a new car loan have hit and my score as of yesterday has tanked to 643
  12. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

    I still have a mortgage on an investment prop that will hit and now this new card so I may be in the 500's before it is over with. I am just praying no one does an AR and freak out with all of this new credit and close anything on me.
  13. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!!

    Don't say that!!! I was feeling great and now paranoia is setting too I have a bunch of new credit that will hit. I told MBNA today it is a "safety net" not that I need it, and I want to build a relationship with them, because I heard MBNA was a good bank. :) (Well I did!)
  14. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member


    Ok I called yesterday and today and both times the computer asked for my social security number and when I punched it in it said "we'll notify you in 30 days of our decision by writing..."
  15. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member


    never heard that before uh oh.
  16. ioan

    ioan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!

    I have also applied to a bankone card today from their website and the response was you will be notified within 30 days. I thought that was a bad sign...
  17. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!

    Yeah right......most of them say that! (don't they?) My brother said his message today had changed to "your app is in review."

    TNobles did you get the approval on the automated system or did press XXX for a rep?
  18. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!

    A.m. update, I called yahoo and the message still said the same thing so I got a live person who said the application was in review. Sigh!
  19. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!

    Wahoo! (or yahoo!) Got the approval when I called this time! $6500 cl...... long did you wait to apply between cards?

    Does anyone know if bank one is willing to go up on their initial cl? I got $10k from Chase....(I know I shouldn't complain!)
  20. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankone approved me AGAIN!!

    congrats you will like bank one!

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