Bankrunptcy Removal

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by greg12, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. greg12

    greg12 New Member

    I need some help from this board. I had a Chapter 7 bankruptcy that was filed 7.5 years ago. I want to get this off of my credit reports. How do I do this? I have heard that this can be done? How? Should I write letters to the credit agencies? Can a lawyer help me with this? Any help would be appreciated?

  2. Rick2203

    Rick2203 New Member

    i belived a BK7 stays on your reports for 10 years, you will have better luck walking on water than gettin that removed, i think its almost impossible.
  3. direred

    direred Well-Known Member

    As posted in another thread, it's 10 years.
  4. DWFan

    DWFan Member

    They can be removed, but it's a real PITA. I managed to get an 8 year old one deleted from TU, by disputing the hell out of it. EQ and EX are still reporting though.

    However, I just pulled my case info from the US Courts PACER system, and found that info from the court doesn't jive with what EX and EQ are reporting. So that will be my next tool in the dispute process. So we shall see.

    Be persistent - never give up.
  5. jtc79

    jtc79 Well-Known Member

    Keep at the cra, bother the hell out of them with disputes and letters! After a while they fold.

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