Bankrupcy not being reported correc

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by abylove, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. abylove

    abylove Member

    Hi Everyone!,

    Thanks in advance for your help. I have a bankrupcy that is discharged recently. I have checked my credit reports it is on there that I have filed, but does not show as discharged. I called to dispute the inaccurate information. Some of my trade lines show that it is included but not discharged. The CRA is insisting that I send them copies of my BK. I am of the mind that it is public record and that they can research it. I will send my discharge papers. I was told that they check with the BK court to see if it was discharged and then they call each creditor. I was told it was up to them to report the discharge. If they don't update discharged items can I demand under the FRCA that they remove the items not updated as inncorrect information??? Also, I am on disability. As far as I am concerned it is no ones business that I am disabled. I would also like to demand that the reference to my disability under the personal information is removed permently. Do I have rights to do this??
    Thanks, Aby

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