Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pulse, Jul 29, 2002.

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  1. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Yep Pulse it's time to find a new board. Next time, take your time and set it up a little better. Ever heard of creditwrench {G}?
  2. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy


    I am here to stay. You may leave if you are not happy here. I would like you to stay though. I have been looking thru your posts. Some of them have some value.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Get a grip! This is life and it's about choices. You chose to contact the ca. You chose to run up$40K. You chose to post about it.

    There are so many inconsistancies in your story it's unbelievable, that's you've branded a troll.

    Please make this choice, file BK, thank your husband and please, please, please choose to go away and leave creditnet alone.
  4. pulse

    pulse Guest

    I chose nothing like that. If you where to read my posts then you would know. My x-boyfriend ran the debt up. The legal system failed me.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    I second this motion. Getting to be time for the ignore button (again).

  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Dear Pulse,

    First of all, part of me feels very badly for you. That part of me that tells me that I really don't know for sure whether you're a troll or not. The other part of me says some of your story line didn't add up but that doesn't make you a spy. Maybe you just got some dates wrong or maybe some things got overlapped in your situation with Arrow as you suggested. Technically I guess this is possible.

    So I'm kinda half & half with you right now. I for one am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. In time, if you are a plant, you would slip up and prove it. If you're not a spy you'll prove that too. You can begin by doing a lot of talking to help explain the discrepancies in your story. Believe me it will be disected and asked about. You have to admit some things don't add up. If you are willing to muster this sanitizing process I think there'll be a time when you're welcome around here again, like you were at first. If you can do this, the board will admire you for your ovarian fortitude and courage.

    I believe in our system of justice, which says better to let 100 guilty men go free than to convict one innocent man. This applies to Pulse too.

    I also would say to the rest of you that Pulse has received more than her fair share of unfair treatment. I've been absolutely astonished at some of your behaviors. We ALL have too much work to do for this.

    Neither you nor I am absolutely certain that Pulse is plant or a cohort of 1Collector. If she IS a legitimate young lady who needs help, think how she must feel right now. If she isn't legit SO WHAT. We are much stronger than to worry about some silly little troll ruining this board. It takes more of a man (or woman) to bite his/her tongue when things are better left unsaid.

    We all know what it feels like to be new and have your finances and whole life in TOTAL shambles, having NO power, knowledge or control over your own life. You feel completely lost and perhaps even suicidal.

    Before anymore of you attack someone like this I wish you'd THINK about net result of what you MIGHT be doing.

    I think we should just let this situation play itself out and stop acting like this little lady is a big threat to this board.

    Pulse. I wish to speak to you on the phone. Please turn on your email now so I can send you my 800 number.
  7. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Thank you Butch. Enough said.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  8. SDBoy

    SDBoy Well-Known Member

    Pulse, your husband has to be the dumbest bastard on the planet for marrying you, you lying moron.

    Your a collector, your lies are no better than a 6-year-olds, and you have no edjukation, as evidenced by your lack of proper 'gramar'.

    Declare bankruptcy if you wish, moron
    Continue to post here if you wish, moron
    Pay your debts, moron
    Don't use credit anymore, moron
    Go to court, moron.
    Lose in court, MORON!!!

    Ok, anyone else wanna use the soapbox?
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    What about your email?
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy


    The problem with "pulse" is that her choice of wording in her posts and her subject titles send an unequivocal message that fighting to protect consumer rights don't work. This is done purposely.

    1. Her first thread's subject titles was "Asset Acceptance Kows CreditNet" - with the idea that you can't discuss credit issues here for fear of being watched AND that the Asset Acceptance collection manager verified for her that legally valid letters don't work.

    When people pressed her on the exact conversation, pulse backpedaled saying that the collection manager never brought CreditNet up by name.

    What is the initial take home message she tried to leave?That people ought NOT discuss credit issues on this board and that they should not use the Wollman (sp.?) letter to protect their rights.

    2. She titled a thread "Sent Validation to Arrow... I'm Sad" and another thread along the lines of "Validation doesn't work". She stated several times that it was her decision to send a validation that directly resulted in the summons and that she was sorry that she took Creditnet's (collective, no doubt) advice in sending the validation.

    When people unraveled her story dates and other inconsistencies, she backpedaled again - now stating that she never said validation had anything to do with the summons, but it didn't help.

    But what is the initial take home message? That if you validate - which is your RIGHT under the law - you will be sued.


    The point I'm making (and I'm so ashamed I didn't see it earlier) is that pulse is using clever language IN HERSUBJECT TITLES and initial posts to discourage people from engaing in consumer rights discussions. When her story doesn't fit, she backpedals, but she has acheived by her thread titles a first impression to newbies that these things don't work.

    For a newbie who is afraid of the credit system, her shock value posting titles may be all they need to abdicate and take the abuse.

    This will be an interesting read - I suspect pulse will be around long enough, and post often enough to send these scary one-liners, but be careful enough not to do anything to get banned.

    In addition - please note that she is trying to create a "newbie v. vet" atmosphere, so that if she does get banned she will have mustered support/sympathy from other new posters and lurkers, thus adding some credibility to her stories in their eyes.

    I would encourage people to put her on ignore, but if they don't then just address each horrible piece of advice she gives (i.e. just pay a debt that isn't yours) and break it down.
  11. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Marci- You are not being fair. Your own words tell it all. Give Newbies a chance. Thank you....

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    pulse, Instead of a BK lawyer, maybe it would be wiser to go to a doctor and get some more meds or get the ones you're on changed? Evidently they're not working!! Charlie
  13. CaliGirl

    CaliGirl Well-Known Member

    Nor to me.
  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    This is not the "vets against the newbies" - it is you and your inconsistent story, and your warnings of dire consequences if people fight for their rights under the law..

    Your interest in "fighting" just confirms what I suspect - that you are the one who wants to chase new people away.

  15. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Once again Breeze I am disappointed in you.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  16. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Thanks Marci,

    Lots of excellent points. And thanx for being gentle with me. I was sure I'd really get it from the very first response. :)

    I guess I'm always trying to hope for the best in people.

    I wonder if Pulse would care to address each of your points in turn. If she's a plant she'll be busy fabricating stories, which will result in even more inconsistency. At least she won't be on the phone collecting. lol

    If she's legit she can address these points easily. IMHO - if she's legit she'll spend considerable time on your post.

    One of my points was attacks and name calling isn't right either, ie, SDBoy's comments are over the line.

    Let's see what Pulse does with your post.
  17. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy


    I'm still waiting for you to turn on your email. We can clear all this up in about 15 minutes.

    Or just email me;

  18. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Once again, Pulse, you sound like a collector. I do not need anyone else's approval, I approve of myself, and your opinion of me is your business, not mine.

  19. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    Marci, I have explained myself already. I can explain myself 1000 times. Creditneters will believe what they want to believe. If you choose to ignore my journey that is your own choice. I will be following yours. I believe listening to every creditnetter. If you have any ideas on how to make the board better for Newbies I would welcome that discussion.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  20. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    The one that really got me was in her "reaging" post, I mentioned the account was past the SOL and was uncollectable. That in fact reaging was a violation of the law that she could sue THEM on and collect money for.

    Instead of latching on to that info and using it, she stammers and backpedaled, ignoring the $5000 debt she just got out of and the potential for money from the CA's violation.

    Any real person would have been kissing my backside for saving them 5K, instead it was a barrage of excuses on how that wasn't helpful.

    In hindsight, Pulse challenging us, on the use of techniques that we talk about everyday, has been helpful.

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