Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pulse, Jul 29, 2002.

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  1. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    As a TRUE newbie who has been lurking for months, I've noticed that you not only claim to be a $7.00/hr. courier that travels to China (like I believe that one) but you also ONLY post on business days during business hours. I know a CA rep when I see one.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    But what is the initial take home message? That if you validate - which is your RIGHT under the law - you will be sued.

    CAs should not be allowed to sue before validating!This should also be considered continued collection activity just like any thing else is.!
  3. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    [Admin's note: Troll account (pulse) and message closed. -pbm]
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