Important issue affecting our moneyâ?¦ please take 5 minutes to read and respond! Please forward! If the credit card companies have their way, families who are struggling to juggle family, bills, work and health care expenses are about to be thrown in virtual debtorâ??s prison for 5 years if they canâ??t keep up. Congress is about to give the credit card companies a $1.5 billion gift (as if they need it!) in the form of a tougher â?? unfair and unbalanced â?? bankruptcy law. You may think it canâ??t happen to you, but donâ??t be so sure. If you lose your job, battle cancer (even with good health care coverage) or get divorced, you could be in a tough spot, stuck with a budget designed by the IRS for the next FIVE years! This legislation even pits single parents against the credit card companies when they are trying to collect child support! This is a very serious issue and the only reason weâ??re even talking about it is because the credit card companies that made $30 billion in profits last year have given over $2.5 million to elected officials. They want to squeeze every last dime out of consumers. You canâ??t squeeze blood from a stone, but they will try. Our government is borrowing $600 billion a year from other countries, which we have no plan for paying back. But when American families end up with unmanageable debt, your elected officials want to punish them. Something is not right here! It will only take 5 minutes to sign a petition to Congress, to tell them that we need to address the real reason why consumers are getting in debt, including sky high interest rates, lack of affordable health care, low wages and underemployment. Just go to and click on the blue icon under debt and bankruptcy. Please do this! Most people try hard to pay their bills. Bankruptcy court is the last place any family wants to end up. But with the new law it will be almost impossible to make a fresh start.
BUMP!! This is a chance to make noise. I never really thought about it until a car accident forced me into bankruptcy. You never know when it will happen to you!!