
Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by Kecia210, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Kecia210

    Kecia210 New Member

    Is it possible to get a 2yr. bankruptcy removed from your credit profile?
  2. lisa

    lisa Administrator

    Hi Kecia,

    This question will have a higher chance of being answered if posted in the Credit Talk Forum.

  3. Jenita

    Jenita Banned

    Avoid Bankruptcy with Debt Consolidation

    You have unbearable debts and considering filing a bankruptcy as your debt relief?

    Don't choose this option unless you really need to do so, look for other alternative if possible such as debt consolidation. Bankruptcy should only be you very last resort solution when you really can't find other solutions.

    Bankruptcy has many undesirable consequences that will follow you for many years, it will remain on your credit report for 10 years; almost no lender will even consider you as a borrower for at least 2 years. Debt consolidation will always be your better option than bankruptcy.

    Get Help From A Debt Consolidation Agency

    There are many prestige debt consolidation agencies out there that can assist you to reduce your debt significantly and help you avoid the consequences of bankruptcy. When you contact a debt consolidation agency you'll be assigned an agent with a wide experience in negotiating with creditors.

    The agent will meet you to discuss and analyze you case. He will ask you questions regarding your assets, your income, your debt, your job, your expenses, etc. You will probably be required to provide documentation regarding these subjects too.

    After understanding your situation, he will propose a debt consolidation programs which meet your debt situations and repayment ability. Then, he will arrange a meeting with your creditors and negotiate with them new repayment programs.
  4. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Your not spamming us are you.I.m not an english major but i hope your letters of dispute are not in the context in above post
  5. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    People can get bankruptcy deleted, sometimes it takes longer for some than others. But you must remember that even if you get the bankruptcy off a lender can still determine if you filed by checking with the local court house. So you must never lie on an application that you have never filed bankruptcy if you have it removed off the credit report.

    Plus there are some lenders that will black list and not allow consumers to obtain credit with them. If they know you had filed bankruptcy.

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