Looking to get bank LOC with no paydex, only DB # issued. Have 3 year old company, D&B # issued, 720+ ficos, will PG it. Where can I get financed without a Paydex 80? It will take me a few months to get it set up and reporting, looking to apply immediately. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cyber
For business loans, etc. I know of no banks that don't use D&B. Depending on how much you're looking for, you can always try to get a personal or business cc. Evaluate the options with Amex and Advanta since they offer high CL. Good luck.
I've heard that all it takes to get a Paydex of 75+ is five trade references. Gas cards, Staples, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. They report on any purchases made on their accounts that are over $75. It can take less than 60 days to get to this point, from what I've heard.