Barclay Credit Card Closed my Account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trkman, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. trkman

    trkman Member

    I just received a new Barclay Credit Card 60 days ago & friday 6-22-12 they closed my account states that my account has too many inquiries since it was open i have 8 inquiries now had 4 when i was approved two months ago

    i just want to know can they do this?
    Is this legal?

    any advise would be helpful

  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Wow, I've actually never heard of that before. Have you been applying for other credit cards, or other types of loans?

    Credit card issuers are essentially able to close an account for any reason, and the credit card statement you signed probably gives them full authority to do that. Did they give you any notice prior to closing the account?
  3. trkman

    trkman Member

    no notice
    when i called they responded that my inquiries are too many now
    but when i was approved there were only 4 inquiries
    they just closed my account because i have 8 inquiries now

  4. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    It's a shame they didn't provide any notice, but they actually aren't required to. Unfortunately, there's really not much you can do other than write a letter to them and complain.
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    With as many "pretty, pretty please"'s as you can fit into a letter...

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