Bauer getting booted...again

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Feb 18, 2002.

  1. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    My word breeze, that link revealed everything about my computer in just about 2 seconds flat! Oh well I pretty much knew the net is not that private and that there are ways of getting your information. Still it's a shock when you click a button and wham-bam there it is!

    Thanks for the links very, very informative. :)
  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I am not that computer literate. But, does this mean they can get your bank acct. info. also?

    I pay almost all of my bills online.

    That is some scary stuff.
  3. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Like you I don't know much about computers, but I figure if you put the information in, there is always someone out there who can retrieve it. Although I like to think more trusted sites (like where you pay your bills) are a bit harder to crack, but I don't know and that is why I pretty much use my computer as my personal library. LOL
  4. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    Was this for every one, or are some hidden (which is an option if you are registered)?
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. This e-mail is being sent as an apology for all of you who
    received Mr. Bauer's e-mail in response to my request for votes on banning
    him. I am sorry. I am sorry that I put you through this and I am sorry that
    you had to be a part of his petty battles.

    The e-mail address situation is a falshood. EVERY member of the FCM message
    board has an option to make their e-mail address public or private. I cannot
    and would not govern that choice for you. You can edit your use profiles at
    any point in time and change that setting if you like. The way Mr. Bauer
    obtained your e-mail address was with a "spider", the same way he managed to
    hijack several pages frommy website.

    As for the other issues he so blatantly addressed. I understand that Mr.
    Bauer has actually helped a few people from the board and he has even given
    me some good advice from time to time. That is the reason I hated putting
    this to a vote, I believed he could have been a very beneficial part of the
    FCM and offered some great insight into other areas, but I could not put up
    with the disrespect and condescending remarks. It was the lesser of 2 evils
    and so far the choice has been to ban him.

    For those of you who feel that Mr. Bauer offers a more sound and stable
    background in these areas, I support you. If you would rather make the move
    to his site, I will not take offense to it. You are still welcome here and
    always will be.

    I hope we can now put this and all of the other arguments behind us and move
    forward. This is truly a petty issue when there are more important things at
    stake here. I have and always will give you my heart and soul with this site
    and do the best I can to give you strong, sound advice. I will never charge
    you anything.

    As for Mr. Bauer's statement about the woman he helped. I was not upset that
    he helped her, quite to the contrary, I was upset that the post he made about
    the issue was nothing more than an advertisement. I told him this and I have
    now told you this. I don't allow advertising on my board and it will stay
    that way. I have already deleted numerous posts from outsiders that were
    nothing more than advertisements and I will now do the same with Bill Bauer's

    Again, I apologize for yur having been contacted by him, especially if it was
    unwelcome. He has been banned from the board.

    I have also limited the Anonymous posting option. ANY person can come to FCM
    board and read as an Anonymous member, but to post, you MUST sign up. The
    preceding situation is EXACTLY the reason I have done this.

    I can assure you that now, Mr. Bauer will do everything in his power to shut
    down our site, but he will NOT be successful.

    Thanks for your time and I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Why does he spend so much time trying to get FREE advertising???

    You would think that he is saving $250,000/year...GET REAL...maybe $500/year?!?!?!!?
  7. kimmiebo

    kimmiebo New Member

    Let me say this much please. I was warned about B Bauer but was naieve enough to think he deserved a fighting chance ONLY because I THOUGHT he was a friend of the family. I appreciate everyone's supportive words and even the compliments on the site. I want everyone to know that ONLY those people who register and CHOOSE to have their e-mail addresses made public at the Fair credit Movement are actually public. Each member has that choice to make and I leave it up to them instead of forcing the issue one way or the other. I really like this site as well and I have lurked here a bit too. Everyone that has come over to my site has been really great and a lot of fun and I say thank you for that. I hope the rumors he is spreading don't get flamed out of context. BB is not one to be condemning ANYONE's programming abilities. The forum is safe for everyone and you have the option of hiding your entire profile or just your e-mail. It's a democracy and I think it works that way. I hope everyone is doing well in their battles and keep on fighting the good fight.
  8. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Hey there Kimberly! Have been reading your board and just want to compliment you on a great site! Tons of useful information, really laid out nice and easy to navigate.

    As to the e-mail issue, the net is NOT PRIVATE! That link breeze posted and many more such programs are out there, don't know enough about firewalls and all that jazz, so I feel that if I want to surf the net I'll just have to live with the possibility someone will get my information. I think it's alot more troubling that a person can go to one of the Big CRA's put in anyone's personal information, click the button that says its a crime to access the report if you are not that person and then get the report. How many times in a day I wonder are CR accessed by unauthorized persons?

    Anyway I think you and your site are great and just wanted to say so!
  9. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    What is the websites address?

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