been awhile...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, May 31, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I haven't posted or read since May 5th...WOW been awhile huh? I was out of town for a few days and then I have been BUSY. I am working a 2nd job on weekends. It's the coolest job. I work for a substance abuse recovery center for HIV + patients. The pay is GREAT and the job is very rewarding :)

    Creditwise.....Thanks to Doc's trick I went from 21 to 3 hard inquiries on CE and no softs remaining except CE. I have filed a lawsuit on a collection agency and the local Equifax affiliate. These are both pending. If it goes as I anticipate my EQ will skyrocket and Experian will go up quite a bit as well. TU is still high enough and I have all inquiries removed on there as well. I am NOT applying for anything for 6 months and trying with my 2nd job to pay off what I have charged (tummy tuck and a 4-wheeler and the BT's I did from companies like Gateway and some medical bills I pay). I am hoping to be in the mid to high 700's by Christmas.

    I'll post my 2 lawsuit results and congrats to everyone who has had success lately. Good luck to those still working.
  2. robin

    robin Well-Known Member


    I have only recently discovered your board and it is great. Had a quick question though if you don't mind. I am in the process of demanding my inquiry violation money from several companies who have pulled my report without a permissable purpose. I noticed you faxed your letters when dealing with W**** F****. I can't find fax numbers for any of the companies that have pulled my report. Do you know of any resource where I may be able to obtain this info?
  3. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Hi Christi,

    glad to have you back:)
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    NO y'all are talking about Christine from We are not the same person, sorry :( I'm just another person here who sued 3 CRA's and won :)
  5. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm so sorry. I did think you were christi from bayhouse. I'm happy to hear that you sued the bastards and won though!
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Welcome back. I thought you hadn't been around for a while...Nice to see you. :)
  7. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Hi Christi nice to see you back. :)
  8. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Long time no hear from. ;-) Glad to see things are going well for you.
  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Christi - I was just going to post that I was glad to see you - but you THRILLED ME with your HIV work.
    Drug abuse got us into that situation in the first place; every day I see people who have AIDS or are Positive - many just do drugs to "forget about AIDS."
    San Fran has a large methamphetimine problem - the drug is dangerous because you feel terrific, and your sex drive lasts for many hours - a combination which leads to poor judgement.

    I should know - it was my drug of choice in the early 80s. Fortunately, I haven't done that stuff in decades......

    many many thanks from this HIV California guy!
    best regards - bob

    you got my real name for the wonderful work you do!
  10. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    you go girl... i will be ready for my tt soon. i am waiting for my exp. check any day now!! woohooo!!!!
  11. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dog :) I sent you a private email. I know i'm getting off topic here, but most people don't understand I guess. As a nurse I could work MANY places for alot of money, but I choose where I work. My full-time job is working with mentally retarded adults and my part time job is now working with HIV+ recovering addicts. I know someday I will be rewarded. Financially I didn't make the best decision, but in my heart I made the best one yet. I never regret where I work or what I do and actually LOVE going to both of my jobs, even though I'm working 7 days a week now :(

    Thanks everyone for welcoming me back...I won't be around as much, due to the work schedule but I'm here in heart and soul :) I am now a recovering addict (from CREDITNET).
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    **woohoo*.. I didn't know you sued much less settled, that's great and for the TT that's outstanding. I am in a size 0/1 since the TT. My weight is not very stable and they actually have me on an increased calorie intake because I keep losing. I never thought I could lose *too* much or there was such thing as too skinny, but at 5'6 and 109 lbs my doctor is getting concerned about me.

    CONGRATS on the Experian check :)
  13. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Christi, I read an article this week in The Statesman that Austin is in dire need of nurses, and Seton is offering $2000 bonuses to any employee that brings in a nurse. Have a steak at Sienna that'll fatten you up a little. Glad your back. Charlie
  14. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    uniondiva, I must of missed your court heroics. Congratulations!! Can you talk about it? Or direct me to the thread? Charlie
  15. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Hey Christi -

    You sound really happy! ;-) I'm happy for you! Sometimes when I think I'm never gonna make it in my fight for good credit, I think about you! Keep in touch... and don't work too hard!
  16. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Hey Christi,

    Glad to hear from you and that you're doing well. I really appreciate the pep talk and advice you gave me when I was ready to quit this whole credit repair thing. Happy to report that I filed suit against one company and settled before it went to court-$$$ and deletion! I've learned that persistance and patience is the key if you're really serious about credit repair. Only a few more accounts to deal with and my reports will be looking great. Thanks agan for all your help and continued success with your credit clean up.
  17. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Nice to see you back here.

    You've been an inspiration!
  18. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Wow. You certainly bought a lot of stuff. You have a lot to brag about. Nice to see you have all that extra over and beyond your obligations... Sounds like things have really changed for you since the last time we talked. I guess your husband loosened up on the strings :) a lot.

    Good to see you're keeping on top of things and not letting any issue get to the point where somebody might ding that new credit with a lawsuit for any unpaid bills/services... that would really ruin all the work you and others have put into your repair process...

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