Being Harrased by CHASE - how do I stop it?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by coleenh, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. coleenh

    coleenh New Member

    They keep calling me - I counted SIX calls in one night from the same number. I have told them repeatedly not to call me at home, and my payments are NOT really late. I have already contacted the main office and let them know that my payment due date conflicts with when my husband gets paid - the check goes out automatically by on-line payment and ends up being 5 days late because of the conflict between our paycheck date and the payment due date fall on the same day. I have contacted them and asked to have our due date changed and was told that it was and was also told I should not be receiving any more phone calls. I got 3 tonight! I am tired of being harassed over a payment that is only late by 5 days! What can I do to get this to stop? This is ridiculous!!!

  2. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Document everything. Keep a journal (maybe your word processor) and list dates, actions, and word for word what was said. Get names and keep track.

    It's possible there is just some adjustment time before the calls stop. But if not, you may want to call the main office again and tell them you had these calls on these dates (using your notes here), and see if that helps things get done quicker. Get the names of the people you talk to at the main office too, the times, what was said, etc. Document all of that. My guess is it will adjust soon, but if it doesn't, there may be something more you can do, but good records will be important.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Although if you pay a CC late by only a few days, it may not be visible to other creditors, many creditors will jack their own rates if this happens a couple of times. You shouldn't be running this risk, even if it means closer management of your payments, or reductions in some other expense to catch up and ensure all payments are on time.

    The effects of rate increases can snowball, and most creditors assume that if you have a run of late payments, you are in financial straits and they don't want to get stuck. They will encourage you to pay them off.

    Your change in due date should be confirmed on your next statement. If they have not adjusted the due date, or continue calling, contact the executive offices to get the matter resolved.
  4. coleenh

    coleenh New Member

    They called again 3 times this morning. I got user names & Id's. I also called their main office and reported it again! They are spending more money on tracking down a #$%!@ late fee than it is worth! The payment for this account is not due until the 22nd, I sent the payment yesterday! I could understand being hounded if my account was over 30 days past due, but it's not! What a waste of their time and money to hound & harass someone who is less than 30 days past due and the ONLY reason I am past due is because of the late fees!

    I have my bill set up on Bill-pay and if the payment is 5 days late for ANY other of my accounts, they add the late fee on, but I have NEVER been harassed by ANY other creditor for 5 lousy days! I'm not saying that I am periodically late on my bills, I'm not. I do have everything set up on bill pay, and don't always remember to change the amount due if there is a late fee. I will be transferring my ENTIRE balance from Chase to Capitol One and Chase has lost my business. No more late fees, no more phone calls, no more hassle - plain and simple - they lost my business and I will NEVER purchase another item using their credit!

  5. Squeek

    Squeek Well-Known Member

    Don't read into this post too much. It's just an opinion.

    I would just like to say that Chase sucks, but Crapital One sucks almost as bad. I hope you consider a different bank, if you're able.

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