Believe it or not, I am going

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CiRcUs-FrE, Oct 4, 2000.

  1. bg

    bg Guest

    RE: The Firey Pit of Hell.....

    must be nice to have enough money to throw
    away on money orders, western union,return receipt charges, etc. CCB charges you to make a payment, and you pay for the different ways of getting the payment there.
    What a waste of money!
  2. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    Speaking of Spelling...

    Speaking of spelling...


    Of course spelling counts, but so do your thoughts. That was a pretty good post.
  3. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    Nothing is Guaranteed

    Apparently nothing can ever be guaranteed with CCB. You could send them a money order or even bars of solid gold, but they could decide not to credit your payment.
  4. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: The Firey Pit of Hell.....

    It is still one helluva challenge to see if you can beat them at their game. And I am not quitting until I beat them at their game!
  5. ED

    ED Well-Known Member

    RE: Beating them at their own

    It isnt really beating them at their own game if you pay $100 for every $350 increase and have to pay for the privilege of making sure you can prove they received your payment. If anything you are losing at their game, they rely on people like you who are so keen to improve their credit that they play along, what ever the cost.

    I personally have not had any trouble with CCB, but I opened the account two years ago and my limit is 1100. I paid for the first 350 increase , and received the second as part of being upgraded to 'silver preferred. SInce then I have received many increase offers, but am unwilling to pay for them.

    I opened a providian account 6 months afterwards and my limit is now 3300. I think I have paid about 200 in fees for credit increases.

    You can never beat CCB at their own game, the best you can do is line their pockets whilst rebuilding your credit.
  6. BOB

    BOB Guest

    RE: Speaking of Spelling...

    When did this site turn into Spelling 101???
    I thought this was a board for credit issues.
    I must have clicked onto the wrong site. Oh well that happens when you get old.
  7. Len

    Len Guest

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    CCB will raise your credit limit a thousand dollars when you get the Silver Shaft, for free, maybe. The remaining portion of your $5000 goal is $4000 and that will have cost you almost $1200 when you are done.
    Somehow, I don't think you are beating Cross Country at their own game.
    Especially when they don't play fair to begin with.
  8. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: Speaking of Spelling...

  9. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    But still...I have this obsession with trying to get my CCB to a 5k limit. Not very many have made it. Normally ppl will cancel out or something. I think of haveing a CCB with a 5k limit alot like an adventure and a challenge. Just like when Chevy Chase and his family went on a road trip to go to Wally World in National Lampoon's Vacation! I admit I am young (21) But this is a chance I have got to take. The reason I am not going for Providian is because I am very tempted with membership stuff such as their destination unlimited and stuff like that. In that case I will have over 400.00 in annual fees. Also Providian is too easy to get a 5k limit. I am looking for a challenge and CCB is the only challenge that I can take!
  10. razor

    razor Guest

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    21 years old, that explains the lack of brains. Have fun and good luck you will
    need it, lots of it. Oh yeah, when CCB shafts you in the not to distant future
    as they have others who have tried what you are trying, don't come here crying about how they have wrecked your life and credit, because everyone will laugh and say We told you so. But then again it's your credit that
    will suffer not ours.
  11. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    They haven't screwed with me yet... But I will keep ya posted :)
  12. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member


    Humm.....found some interesting reading material:

    Scam Alert #12 - Cross Country Bank
    I applied and received a credit card with Cross Country Bank with a $400.00 limit. Of course by the time I got the card there was around $250.00 left after fee's. I promptly mailed a payment of $100.00 in hopes to pay the balance off soon and start rebuilding my credit. The check cleared my account approx 10 days later. The next month when I got my statement I was informed my payment was late. To make a long story short, they cashed my check, did not apply it to my account and further hurt my credit rating. I must have called them at least 15 times - sent 2 copies of my cancelled check via certified mail and numerous faxes with the copy of my cancelled check. Every time I called I was given the run-around and they NEVER returned my calls. I ended up calling a lawyer for advice and cut up the card and mailed a copy via certified mail of the cut up card demanding my account be cancelled and all late fee's and penalties be removed. I also demanded they contact the credit bureau and take of the report of late payment, which naturally they still have not done. Their phone number is 800-252-1159. Of course that will be voice mail - the real person ph/number is "top secret".
  13. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Arming U W/Valuable Info...

    Just arming you with valuabe information before you jump in the fire! ;-)
  14. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: Arming U W/Valuable Info..

    I read all the CCB complaints on webbbox :) But I am a man that takes lotz of chances. In situations like that.... thats when you switch to Western Union Quick Collect.
  15. bg

    bg Guest

    RE: Arming U W/Valuable Info..

    It doesn't matter about Western Union, they will still hold the payment. But then again
    your a typical 21 year old, bullet proof and
    knows everything about everything. CCB will love you. Taking a chance with your credit
    is the most stupidest thing a young person can do. One screw-up will haunt you for 7-10
    years. Ask yourself is it really worth it?
    Are you so smart and all these people so stupid who are trying to help you with good advice? When CCB gets to you and you go to get a car loan and your interest rate is 20% or higher you will regret it. That car payment will cost you $100 dollars and more per month in interest. Over 60 months thats
    $6000 dollars or more. Good Luck your headed down a bad road.
  16. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    When they start screwing you, as they do everyone, remember this e-mail address:
  17. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: Arming U W/Valuable Info..

    As of right now... I got things under control with them. The second they screw me... I will do something :) They did post 25.00 money order... I waited up until 1:30am to see it post online :)
  18. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    RE: Speaking of Spelling...

    Correct spelling is necessary in order to distinguish one word from another. Clear communication is especially important regarding credit matters. Credit bureaus and subprime lenders would love it if everyone wrote illiterate and incoherent disputes that they could label as "frivolous" or "meaningless." Of course, that's a worst case scenario. I'm not saying that MP$40 is unable to communicate, only that spelling is important for everyone.
  19. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: Believe it or not, I am go

    I will remember :)
  20. skipppy

    skipppy Guest

    RE: Wish I could spell....

    I remember when I applied fr my ccb card. The frst thing i look at when getting a card is finance chrg & strt-up fees. I knew what I was getting into,,,, aparently you didnt

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