I applied for credit with Beneficial today because I wanted their 6 months no interest deal on some furniture I bought. They turned me down flat!!! I couldn't believe it. The credit manager at the store said something had to be on there for them to decline me so quickly, but according to the TU report *I* see...there are no adverse accounts. You guys know I have had a hard time understanding why my score stays in the low 600's...now I'm *really* wondering if the report they are showing potential creditors is different than what I am seeing. Anyway...I called Beneficial when I got home to find out what the reason was. The lady told me that due to privacy issues, they could not discuss it with me under any circumstances and I would receive a letter within a few days telling me how I could get a free credit report. I told her I obtained my credit report online and there was no adverse information, but at least I could find out from the letter why I was declined. She said no...that it was generic and would not give me a reason. Now pardon me, but they are required by law to give a specific reason for an adverse credit decision. I know the TiL (I think it is the TiL) requires it and says that the letter can't just say "due to the information contained on your credit report" or "because you don't meet our scoring criteria"...they actually have to give you the reasons for the decline. At any rate...this is my long winded request for information on where I read this...was it the TiL Act? I used it once before in a matter, but have since lost the information. Another strange thing...I pulled all three reports when I got home, and there were no new inquiries. Very strange!!!! Anyway...thanks for any input here. I'm just bewildered! I thought Beneficial would approve anyone and my scores are in the mid to high 600s. L
I think they also have to tell you if your credit score had anything to do with it. Sometimes there is just a cut off number. Exxon turned me down and told me "generically" why but with enough info that I new why when I got my Credit report. They will say something like "deliquent account " but not mention it by name.
I believe it is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Here it is, but it's long. TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 41 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Sec. 1691. Next Sec. 1691. - Scope of prohibition (a) Activities constituting discrimination It shall be unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction - (1) on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract); (2) because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or (3) because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under this chapter. (b) Activities not constituting discrimination It shall not constitute discrimination for purposes of this subchapter for a creditor - (1) to make an inquiry of marital status if such inquiry is for the purpose of ascertaining the creditor's rights and remedies applicable to the particular extension of credit and not to discriminate in a determination of credit-worthiness; (FOOTNOTE 1) (2) to make an inquiry of the applicant's age or of whether the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program if such inquiry is for the purpose of determining the amount and probable continuance of income levels, credit history, or other pertinent element of credit-worthiness [1] as provided in regulations of the Board; (3) to use any empirically derived credit system which considers age if such system is demonstrably and statistically sound in accordance with regulations of the Board, except that in the operation of such system the age of an elderly applicant may not be assigned a negative factor or value; or (4) to make an inquiry or to consider the age of an elderly applicant when the age of such applicant is to be used by the creditor in the extension of credit in favor of such applicant. (c) Additional activities not constituting discrimination It is not a violation of this section for a creditor to refuse to extend credit offered pursuant to - (1) any credit assistance program expressly authorized by law for an economically disadvantaged class of persons; (2) any credit assistance program administered by a nonprofit organization for its members or an economically disadvantaged class of persons; or (3) any special purpose credit program offered by a profit-making organization to meet special social needs which meets standards prescribed in regulations by the Board; if such refusal is required by or made pursuant to such program. (d) Reason for adverse action; procedure applicable; ''adverse action'' defined (1) Within thirty days (or such longer reasonable time as specified in regulations of the Board for any class of credit transaction) after receipt of a completed application for credit, a creditor shall notify the applicant of its action on the application. (2) Each applicant against whom adverse action is taken shall be entitled to a statement of reasons for such action from the creditor. A creditor satisfies this obligation by - (A) providing statements of reasons in writing as a matter of course to applicants against whom adverse action is taken; or (B) giving written notification of adverse action which discloses (i) the applicant's right to a statement of reasons within thirty days after receipt by the creditor of a request made within sixty days after such notification, and (ii) the identity of the person or office from which such statement may be obtained. Such statement may be given orally if the written notification advises the applicant of his right to have the statement of reasons confirmed in writing on written request. (3) A statement of reasons meets the requirements of this section only if it contains the specific reasons for the adverse action taken. (4) Where a creditor has been requested by a third party to make a specific extension of credit directly or indirectly to an applicant, the notification and statement of reasons required by this subsection may be made directly by such creditor, or indirectly through the third party, provided in either case that the identity of the creditor is disclosed. (5) The requirements of paragraph (2), (3), or (4) may be satisfied by verbal statements or notifications in the case of any creditor who did not act on more than one hundred and fifty applications during the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the adverse action is taken, as determined under regulations of the Board. (6) For purposes of this subsection, the term ''adverse action'' means a denial or revocation of credit, a change in the terms of an existing credit arrangement, or a refusal to grant credit in substantially the amount or on substantially the terms requested. Such term does not include a refusal to extend additional credit under an existing credit arrangement where the applicant is delinquent or otherwise in default, or where such additional credit would exceed a previously established credit limit. (e) Appraisals; copies of reports to applicants; costs Each creditor shall promptly furnish an applicant, upon written request by the applicant made within a reasonable period of time of the application, a copy of the appraisal report used in connection with the applicant's application for a loan that is or would have been secured by a lien on residential real property. The creditor may require the applicant to reimburse the creditor for the cost of the appraisal