Best Buy Card & Household Card??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NanaC, Nov 16, 2002.

  1. pickleg

    pickleg Active Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    Ohhhhhhhhhh......... I was wondering why I receive a HH BAnd credit card in the mail yesterday!! Iwas turned down for Best Buy. I got a 500 limit with 17.99%. EQ score 614 at the time (dropped to 589 yesterday because of children's hospital collections being added :(.
  2. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    I have HH from may02 and was going to try for best buy. Are they bk friendly? I read some conflicting info and not sure. My score on EQ is 611.
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    Oh I'm pissed. I dealt successfully with Cap1 getting an old 60 day late removed. TU and EXP updated fine but EQ never did.

    Sooooo I disputed naturally. But I made a mistake. While disputing I told them to update the CL and sent a copy of my statement from Cap1. ( I just thought I'd try it to see what happens).

    Well ... out of vindictiveness, they claim they couldn't get verification from Cap1 so they deleted the TL. This was my 3rd dispute with them and as you know I can write nastily. lol So they are paying me back.

    Trouble is it's the ONLY TL I have. (I haven't really needed credit so I haven't applied for it. I was taught "Never a borrower nor lender be. Mom & Dad were wrong. :( )

    Anyway, thank god I do have a very old (closed in 1995. Pd never late) account. Otherwise my report would have absolutely nothing on it.

    Why it's still so high I have no idea but I'll take it.

  4. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    They didn't for hubby...YET....but will be looking for it.

    Rhaeny: Will let you know about HH, they are on the CC with BK list..and hubbyhas been offered many by mail he never took before. Our Ch13 is 6 1/2 years old..will let you know what happens with HHcard after rej. by Best Buy, k?
  5. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    Nana, I think they are ok, just have to watch your limit because you don't when they are reporting your balance - its not the closing date. So your balance reporting may not match your statement.

    Like a dummy, just yesterday I applied for best buy, and they denied me so quick that I don't even think they thought about it. I don't know who they pulled yet, but I will let you know.

    Oh yeah, HH has been doing AR on EQ only for me.
  6. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    Yup, that sounds like us. They pulled EQ with hubby...had the AR's previously with HH...ok...will check backoften on this
  7. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Household Cont. Credit

    Ok, after hubby applied for Bestbuy and got turned down (and at the same time applied for Household), what happened? Did you all that got it just get a card in the mail? How long after the Best Buy application? I'm asking cuz he got a generic offer from Household with the $19 fee and he simply refuses to pay any application fee. His own personal policy.

    So, is this their response? It's been one week since the application so I'm thinking it was coincidence?

  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    Most likely it is coincidence. When I applied for both, after 3 weeks I still hadn't heard anything so I called. In all, it took a month after I applied to get the card. They are very slow. I think there is an 800 # on the application site that is an automated # for checking the status. I think this may be the #
  9. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    Ok, LKH, that's good to know and I truly appreciate the info...that's a big help! (As always!) :)
  10. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    I applied online and got turned down for the Best Buy card. However, I called and they told me I was NOT declined and I did get the card. So sometimes the online one is wrong.

    I had also applied for the GM Card and was approved (HH - but different web site).

    Not sure if I got the HH M/C or not.

  11. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    HIya..ok, we got the card was approved and we are happy with the CL. So, that was good news. It makes more sense to apply for household through BestBuy because when you go to the household website, he got approved with a $19 processing fee, etc. This way, it was just approved.
    Thanks for all the info on this one!
  12. SilentBob

    SilentBob Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    I got turned down for the Best buy card and got a Gold MC with a 1000 cl. They pulled EQ for me. Its my best score. My EQ is a 608
  13. trina

    trina Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    My mom applied for BBY card (she was getting it so that I could be an AU), and got denied with a 717 TU! I feel bad b/c she was getting it for ME, and denials drop scores, right? I thought since TU seems to be CRA for our region (we're in Chicago), it was probably her lowest so we checked Truecredit only. I guess we better go get the other 2 reports now.

    I know, I been here long enough to know better. But I thought with 20 yrs. history, never late, she was a shoe-in for a store card. DANG.

  14. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    Well, it should only cost her a few points for an inquiry...the fact that it was denied won't cost additional points. That stinks..I'm so sorry...
  15. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: Household Cont. Credit

    Trina -

    Sorry, it wouldn't have done you any good anyway as Best Buy does NOT report AU's. I know because my mother added me to hers as well as her Sears card. Sears showed up and BB didn't. I called Best Buy and they informed me that they do not report AU's.

  16. Psukid99

    Psukid99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    do people with the best buy card get lot of coupons and promotions
  17. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    I got turned down by Bestbuy 6 months ago for credit being too new. Applied for HH mastercard and a Orchard Card came in the mail.

    BTW....getting double INQ removed from EQ can be done with a phone call.
  18. Psukid99

    Psukid99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    are they bk friendly
  19. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    Who? Best buy? If so, they are not BK friendly.
  20. Psukid99

    Psukid99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Best Buy Card & Household Card?

    got approved with chap 7.. the coupons they send out.. do they make u use the best buy card to use them or just r general coupons

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