Best Buy Reward Zone Mastercard

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 05bbXTuner, May 29, 2008.

  1. 05bbXTuner

    05bbXTuner Member

    I just had to share this one since it is so comical.

    I have a BBY RZ MC with a $300 limit on it. I asked one of my friends who works for Best Buy to call and see if they would increase my limit. They said no and they would send out a letter stating why. This was the 21st. I get the letter today and it says that customer requested CLI are not available for my credit card program at this time. I also get an email saying my latest online statement is available. I logon and what do you know? They doubled my CL to $600. Could also have something to do with me being a member for 6 months. But I just found it funny.
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    It probably is triggered by the length of time you've had the card. Many creditors won't give CLI based on the customer's request, only on history. If you pay on time and use the card, they'll increase the limit on anniversary dates, such as 6 months and one year.

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