Best CC for score bump?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by aj2001, May 21, 2005.

  1. aj2001

    aj2001 Active Member

    Been working on my cleaning my credit for a couple months now,Ive managed to get a few negative tls deleted, still have 1 lousy $146 (paid 2003) collection on my CR's along w/ 2 120 day lates also from 2003. Ive managed to get my EQ to 660, EXP 634 TU 609(b4 3 negs were deleted..I havent been able to check TU for updates) Ive also paid my current cards A BOA visa and Sears card down to less than 5% although they havent reported yet to affect my scores..Question is what credit card should I attempt to start rebuilding and boost my scores, I ran equifaxes score simulator and it said a $500 limit card may get me another 20 or so points.. so I try secured/unsecured? Any recommendations........
    Thanx Aj

    PS would getting a credit limit increase on my current boa visa make a difference at all?
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Remember - you will LOSE points for new credit. Why not see about a credit limit increase on one of your existing cards?
  3. aj2001

    aj2001 Active Member

    Thats what I always thought.....but then I read a bunch of comments over at art of credit forum stating score jumps after new small credit lines are when I ran equifaxes score simulator, it said that with a new 500 line of credit I could expect to see a fico increase from of 20-30 points.........any thoughts?
    Thanx again

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