Best CC with a 9 year bk and 645 cs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dadbobo, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. dadbobo

    dadbobo Member

    What would be the best cc I should apply for with this info, what limit should I expect and what apr. Also what other types of credit should I be able to get, I tried to get dell credit but was denied. I filed bk 9.5 years ago and I guess it is about to drop off, I check all three cs and have and average of a 645 this is on privacyguard. Thanks for the replys.

  2. broncsboi

    broncsboi Well-Known Member

    What types of credit are showing on your reports? It's hard to believe that you haven't had any credit the past 9.5 years. Car loan? Home loan? Credit Cards?

    If the BK is the only baddie on your report, it shouldn't make a huge difference due to the age. You still won't be able to get an AMEX or BofA probably but you should be okay to get some good cards.

    Your score just seems kind of low to me due only to the BK. Do you have high debt on other cards? If so, I would work on paying down those debts to get your score up and then try for just about anything. has a credit card that everyone seems to be getting lots of credit with. Capitol One, Orchard, Dillards, Gas cards, etc. are some other options.

    It's hard to guesstimate a limit or APR without knowing what else is on your reports.
  3. dadbobo

    dadbobo Member

    I have a gas card I have paid on for the last 9.5 years, never been late, also I have a jc pennys card same thing never late for the last 9 years, I was just wanting to know good credit cards I may be able to get to start building it up higher...
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VERY GENEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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