Best CC's for highest LOC???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Jun 26, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    What are the best cards available with LOC's and the most generous with their LOC's? Thanks Charlie
  2. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlie
    (btw - just noticed that I didn't answer a question from a thread a few weeks ago re letter to Exp about inquiry deletions - the answer is no - i didn't send out the $1000 I will sue you letter yet - wanted to "play nice" first - but if i don't get results - i'll do the "threat" tactic letters)

    in answer to your current question - don't know about LOC - but the highest limit I've gotten to start with was First USA - they MATCHED the highest cl card I had in my report - which was 12K.
    This has led me to believe that it's possible that with instant online computerized approvals - I've been getting less. For example Citibank - about a month before I applied for Fusa - when my score was slightly HIGHER - gave me an instant online $4k.
    Fusa went through a manual review - was not instant - and that's when i got a much higher cl.
    not sure if this is the case in all applications - but i think wolverine once mentioned that he also prefers a manual review.

    Mark LA
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mark LA! Of all the cards it had to be first USA. I have a friend that was wanting a couple of LOC's, and he has 6 FUSA cards. I couldn't believe it. I thought that the most of a card you could have is 4 (and only on certain cards). I even checked the account #'s off his report. I'm trying to tweak his report and scores. He has a bunch of inactive CC's that I'm going to close. He has a total of 52 positive tradelines and 1 chargeoff, but yet his score is only 680. Once his report gets cleaned up a little I'm going to get him Generations and Amex. I want to borrow at least 10 of em. Thanks again. Charlie
  4. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    MBNA, Citi, FUSA, and Generations have been good limit wise for me.

    Amex, Wells Fargo, Discover, Chase, and Bank of America have been pretty stingy
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    the other, What kinda limits did they give you? Thanks Charlie
  6. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I agree with the other. Citi gave me $22,500: MBNA gave me $20,000; FirstUSA gave me $30,000 (spread over three cards); Nextcard gave me $4,000; and BOA gave me $5,000.

    I don't know what my scores were then, but suspect they were over 700, probably mid 700's.
  7. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    MBNA - Currently have 2 cards ( I will be combining them) One has a 23k limit and the other 10k, so combined it will be 33k.

    Citi SD - Currently have plat. select with 24,700 limit. I've been at this limit for a while. They refuse to increase this any further.

    Citi USA - currently have Hilton HHonors Visa with 28k limit.

    FUSA - had two cards and combined for a limit of 42,500

    Generations - 25k

    Chase and Bank of America aren't far behind, but they have not been willing to increase the limit. Chase 20k, and BofA 19,500.
  8. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member


    How far apart did you apply for FUSA cards or did you apply all at once. Also curious if anyone knows if FUSA has a blacklist or not cuz I did have a Charge-off with them in 96.
  9. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I have had one FUSA account for 14 years. The other two I got about two years ago, and they were close to each other in time. One was the Southwest card and the other was a Best Buy Visa. I just applied for them not realizing what company issued them. This was way before I heard all the negatives about FUSA.
  10. luxury4me

    luxury4me Well-Known Member

    I've found MBNA to be the most generous by far. ATT Universal has been good lately, and First uSA has not given me a CL increase in several years.

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